My Hero Academia – U.A. Heroes Battle Review

It’s time for the latest My Hero OVA. This could be one of the last chances for us to just see the gang hanging out before the big fights start up so the OVA was well timed. Basically the heroes are gearing up for New Year’s when Mirio shows up and starts flexing over all of them. He has a cool video game where you can have heroes fight it out and prove who the strongest really is. Deku and friends figure they will have a tournament but who can come out on top? It’s anyone’s guess.

Right away I will say that Mirio did really well here. I thought his pun was really good and he also managed to cheer everyone up rather effortlessly. That’s the sign of not just a good fighter but someone who is always in the moment. Now as for the fights themselves, they look pretty good. I think the animators had fun messing around here and making good action pieces since they could really do whatever they wanted. The game would absolutely be a hit if it ever came out. There are a few kinks that it needs to work out though.

Near the end of the special we get a very cheesy moment where All Might is shown to have a gameplay mechanic where he will ring himself out when fighting a dog. So you potentially auto lose because of a big weakness like that? It seems a bit weird and of course it was to set up the comedic ending for Bakugo but I wanted to see that guy dominate. I thought he had a pretty good strategy all the way through even with the game not being super balanced.

The Teacher cards get intense too since they can naturally one shot most of the student cards. The only catch is that they automatically die right after the match so you can only use that for stalemates or if you both have only 1 card left. There’s a lot of stuff you’d want to test out and workshop but for the most part the moral here is that the game’s not very balanced. So you better hope you get the strongest characters or you’ll be in a lot of trouble.

As always Mineta is pretty annoying here so you are hoping for him to get crushed the whole time. There’s no room for his shenanigans in this hero course. All of the characters are allegedly working to help save the planet after all and so if your teammate doesn’t have your back then it’s all over. It felt pretty good seeing his character get melted. Also probably nice for Ashiro to actually go all out since she usually has to hold back a whole lot.

The animation here is definitely solid. I thought the studio did a good job with the Bakugo vs Deku fight. This may be the final fight they ever get so we have to make it count. It’s also an older version of each character so it’s pretty nostalgic to see although of course that also leaves room for some excuses during the fight. That’s naturally the highlight of the OVA and what the whole tournament was building up to but I also liked the early rounds.

The game itself is just a lot of fun so naturally seeing someone play it is a good time. I appreciated the tactics used here and everything. The special has a lot of fun vibes and is an easy watch for around the holidays. This is what you think of for a special like this after all. It’s a chance for the cast to just hang out and have a good time. It’s also a realistic modern option because who isn’t playing video games around the holidays right? That’s absolutely the way to go if you want to pass a lot of time by. We’ll have to see what the next OVA is but for sure there are a lot of other ideas you can go with. The possibilities are really endless as long as you have Bakugo around to rile everyone up.

Overall, My Hero is definitely doing a good job with the OVAs. This is another very solid one and they had time to really give us a lot of different action scenes. Whenever the length is like a whole episode as opposed to just being 10 minutes then that is a very good thing. I mean if 10 minutes is all you’ve got then we’ll take it of course but with a whole episode’s worth of time you can just expand whatever concept you’re doing. The game here couldn’t have been done quite as much justice if it was only 10 minutes after all. So if you’re up for seeing the characters have some fun you should definitely check this one out.

Overall 7/10

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