Wolverine: Snikt! Review

It’s time to check out a Wolverine comic that has a very distinct look to it. That’s because it’s drawn by the guy who did Blame! and right away you can definitely see the resemblance here. I’d even say it feels like a crossover to a point because some of the villains have the same designs. That future dystopia is also so massive that you could in theory have all of this happening without it going against the canon but I’m not expert enough in the timeline to really be able to say for sure if that’s accurate or not. Either way it’s a pretty fun comic with a lot of action everywhere.

It starts off with Wolverine just minding his business when he is approached by a girl who asks him for help. He’s not exactly sure what is going on and before he knows it, she has taken him decades into the future. The human world has been conquered by the technological machines that they created and humanity’s final pockets are about to be exterminated. The only thing that can hurt these creatures is Adamantium which is in short supply at the moment. They only have one soldier left with a cannon that can even injure these guys and they can no longer make any more ammo for it. Wolverine is like a living weapon since his bones are reinforced with the stuff so he is their last hope. He doesn’t really appreciate how abruptly he was brought here but at the end of the day Wolverine is still a hero and so he will do his best to save the day.

Like I mentioned there is a whole lot of action here. Once Wolverine jumps into the fray that’s pretty much the ret of the comic. There is the occasional break to quickly go over the lore and objectives but otherwise it’s Wolverine against a bunch of these robots. He doesn’t have to hold back this time and as the fighting goes on you can see how he’s even enjoying it a bit. Wolverine likes a good fight after all and with the odds against him like this he can really show off a bit.

The art is pretty solid all the way through. The robots definitely look very sinister and it captures the spooky atmosphere very well. Wolverine himself is the only character that takes a bit of getting used to at first since he does look really different in this style. I think it’s the face but either way that’s just a character design thing. The action is what we’re here for and it’s pretty satisfying to have Wolverine diving into the fray and really taking names the whole time. The last soldier from the future side is also able to deal some damage and get one last win in so I was happy to see that as well.

The characters in the future are nice enough although there is no real time to develop them all that much. Once Wolverine is in the future and the story is established then it’s time to jump right into the action. Can’t say I have any complaints with that though, for a compact story you have to move fast. It is probably a bit hard to believe that the future would ever turn out quite this way though. Surely some heroes would still be around to stop the machines right? In the end I think the easiest thing to do here is just imagine that this is a parallel future. It’s not one that will ever happen to the main universe but it happened to someone else’s.

With the main girl’s ability to travel through time, she does seem to be the equivalent of a modern day mutant. Whether it’s the exact same thing or not is hard to say but in a way it doesn’t matter all that much. She has some special abilities and can use those to save her future. I wonder as a last resort though if she could have just brought everyone back to the past. That would have its own share of issues of course but at least would get her out of harm’s way. It feels like they wouldn’t have had much of a future left anyway if Wolverine had failed in his mission after all.

As for the robots, they make for pretty solid antagonists. They’re more on the mindless side but they do tend to strike back pretty hard with sheer numbers. Even for Wolverine and his healing factor it can be difficult to wade through that many enemies. I’m a little skeptical on his getting knocked out during the first fight but the characters mention that his healing factor may have been a little slower due to time travel messing up his system. It is at least an explanation so for now I can use that. I’m glad it was at least addressed since otherwise I would have had more questions there.

I’d definitely be game with more titles like this with Marvel heroes entering the Blame! type of future. The stronger ones of course could really just dominate but others on Wolverine’s level should have a decently tough time with some of the opponents. Wolverine was fortunate in a way that he broke into the main lair so quickly and got to avoid the stronger types of enemy units. Those would have really given him a tough time all the way.

Overall, Wolverine: Snickt is a pretty good comic. It definitely delivers on the action all the way through and the artwork is solid. This story works really well as a stand alone and quickly sets the stage so there is a real plot. I think this could have even gone on for much longer with more and more storylines/characters thrown in but not everything has to be an ongoing. I would definitely recommend checking this one out whenever you’ve got a chance. It’s good fun and shows how unpredictable the life of a hero can be. One moment you are just relaxing and the next you are back off to battle!

Overall 7/10

Godzilla vs. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Review

It’s time to jump into the big Godzilla vs Power Rangers crossover. It’s safe to say that crossovers are always a great way to catch my attention. Whether it be for the power level discussions or just the interactions between the characters, crossovers really take my enjoyment to the next level. I’ve read way more Godzilla comics than Power Rangers but I like to think I’m still fairly familiar with the franchise thanks to the video games and the movie. In the end this story was definitely a blast and I look forward to the next crossover.

It starts off with the Green Ranger defying orders and attacking Rita and her associates by himself. Not the smartest move to be honest and he’s quickly dispatched as they warp across time and space into another dimension. This is the world of Godzilla where monsters roam around freely and the only defender of the planet is Godzilla…and he is not a merciful ruler. As long as you stay out of his way you’re good, but the local aliens are always causing trouble and stirring him up. Rita sees this as her big chance to rule the world because there are no Power Rangers to worry about here. But is she really ready to take on the King of the Monsters himself? Additionally, the Power Rangers make their grand entrance later on.

First up, the art is definitely great here. It’s all very detailed and colorful. Every page really grabs your attention and you are glued in on the action. My favorite panel isn’t even an action one this time, but instead the splash page at the end of the first issue when the Power Rangers arrive. Their outfits just look extremely dynamic and it’s a really hype moment. I always like the grand entrance kind of moment and this really works out well. You know that the Power Rangers have never failed before but even for them Godzilla will be a tough opponent. I think that’s another big hype part about crossovers. When you have a matchup of say Superman vs Goku and assuming there won’t be a cop out, you have a hard time being able to guess who will win because both fighters are used to overcoming all odds and claiming victory. Superman defeating Thor for example was huge for that reason because a part of you just figured the fight wouldn’t end and other parts just thought maybe Thor would have the edge.

It’s always fun when you don’t really know who will win. Surprisingly, I would argue that the comic takes the stance that the Power Rangers are stronger than Godzilla. I do personally agree with this but I was expecting him to have more of an edge. It’s pretty well balanced though as the Godzilla verse Kaiju are shown to be much stronger than Rita’s legions of monsters. On the other hand, Rita and her friends basically humiliate the aliens from the Godzilla verse the whole time. So the Power Rangers may have had the edge as a verse here but it’s pretty close the whole time.

This incarnation of Godzilla leans more on him being a neutral party who destroys everything in his way. I wouldn’t call him heroic but he’s also not downright evil like other versions. Basically if you mess with him then he’ll blow you up but otherwise he’s not going around picking fights. He also does get his respect in the power department as he blows away Megalon and does hold his own against Ghidorah for a little while. I was also glad that he completely no sold the mind control from Rita. That would have been really disappointing if she had succeeded even for an instant.

Ghidorah also looks really good here. They really show him to be a top level threat and this seems like one verse where he’s even stronger than Godzilla. You do have to account for some factors like Godzilla already having been in several fights while Ghidorah was coming in fresh though. Gigan doesn’t look great though as he’s treated more like fodder compared to the other Kaiju. I also still don’t get the whole space chicken thing but I guess you either see it or you don’t.

The aliens on the Godzilla side weren’t too interesting but I enjoyed Rita and her crew. They all had solid designs and she seems like a good leader. She makes some questionable decisions (Like sending her B team out to fight Ghidorah and actually thinking they stood a chance. She found out the hard way that they really didn’t in very short order) but for the most part she is in charge. I like her confidence and would like to see more of her in action.

Then of course we have the Power Rangers who are great characters. They have great teamwork and actually feel like a complete unit. No bickering, insulting each other, second guessing orders, etc. I dare say they are one of the best led units I’ve seen in a while. It’s just rare to see the whole team buckle up to get the job done the way they did here. I always saw that as one of the appeals of the series and have no doubts that their comics are a lot of fun. The Red Ranger always has a plan and is ready to protect everyone. The Green Ranger may have been a little too headstrong in stopping the villains but considering that they were about to unleash their big plan, I totally get why he felt like he had to run in and stop that.

The Megazord also looks incredibly powerful. In the comics it manages to defeat Gigan, take out many of Rita’s monsters, and was also stalemating Godzilla and that’s before it merged with the Green Ranger’s own Zord to unlock its true power. I was very impressed and then apparently it can also self repair? Within a few minutes it was back up to 80% after sustaining massive damage so that is super impressive. Yeah the Power Rangers really got a lot of hype here and I dare say that it was all very deserved.

The writing is really on point here and this would make for a really fun movie someday. You could adapt it real easy and fans of both verses are bound to have a good time. Each verse gets treated with a lot of respect which is always important in a crossover so that everyone feels satisfied. I’d also say there were no real cop outs here. That’s probably a bit more subjective but to me they did answer the questions of who would win each fight. Whether you agree with the power levels is another issue of course but at least they put the scenes out there. There’s a lot of nonstop fights here and it’s got a whole lot of replay value.

Overall, I would definitely recommend this comic. It’s a blast all the way through and there are really no negatives to be found anywhere here. It’s rare for a crossover to happen more than once so I’m not sure if these two will meet again but there are definitely way more crossovers out there for me to check out. Godzilla vs the Justice League for example will be a fun one at some point. I’m sure the Power Rangers have had more as well, maybe they even met the Justice League as well. Either way I’m sure I will be seeing these characters again.

Overall 8/10

Sonic the Hedgehog, Volume 6: The Last Minute Review

It’s time for the next installment in the Sonic series. The arc is still going strong here with more and more characters being turned into robotic monsters. Shadow was taken off of the board last time and Sonic is already infected so the heroes are really on their last legs. There is a good amount of tension here and a whole lot to enjoy overall so this was definitely a win/win all around.

This volume spends the first 3 issues showing us events from a few different POVs. You have Tails, then Amy, and then Sonic. Each of them were embarking on different missions to try and stop the virus. Tails was working on a vaccine that could reverse the effects of the bug and in theory bring everything back to the way that it was. Amy was doing her best to keep the townsfolk safe until Tails could get back and then Sonic was trying to capture his speed data to see if that could be a lead on getting other people immune. Unfortunately all 3 of them suffer some setbacks here.

By this volume Sonic has started to lose a lot of his stamina as well which makes a lot of sense since he has been running for so long now. He may be used to running a lot, but not for nearly this long without a single break. I still like the idea of how running is able to regress the virus’ effects at least for a while since his speed is the real deal. Even that has a timer though so if Sonic stops running then it’s all over. he still does a good job of trying to keep morale up though and taking care of business. At the end of the day, virus or not Sonic definitely has the edge here compared to the rest of the characters and can lead the way to victory.

Even though it didn’t work for Shadow, I still like to think Sonic could go in there and take all of the robots and Eggman out. The main problem is of course he can’t destroy the robots since they are all innocent so at most he would just be buying time. Then since we find out that even Eggman doesn’t have a cure in this volume, that doesn’t leave the heroes with a lot of options. It’s fair to say that Tails is really the last chance here. Either he makes a cure himself or the heroes are basically doomed.

Tails takes the situation pretty hard in this volume but overall I’d say he’s still looking good. Cream is definitely more on the weaker side here though as the whole situation really did break her. She stayed strong in front of Amy but not in front of Sonic. Whisper also had it rough as she finally broke down too. She’s usually the tough member of the group so I was a little surprised to see her lose her cool like that. Now’s the time to buckle down and get read because the situation will only get tougher from here.

I would say one of the highlights here would be Tangle. Now here’s a character who really put everything on the line and she never gave up. Her abilities may not be the strongest but she used them in a creative way to hold everyone back. I’d also say even Vector looked pretty good here. Yeah he ended up contributing to the situation but I’d argue that wasn’t entirely his fault. That’s more on the stowaway and otherwise his bubble may have lasted. When it didn’t work, Vector was ready with the sacrifice play.

Eggman fans should be a little nervous right now. He hasn’t been looking great so far and while he could still make a full comeback depending how his next scenes go, it’s also possible that this will be played straight in which case he would look really awful. With Eggman you just never really know and in that way the writer has done a good job of keeping things interesting. There are really 3 enemy factions at play here with Eggman, the Deadly Six, and Dr. Starline. Right now it’s hard to say who will have the last laugh. The story is framing it as Starline being the smartest and most prepared but in a way that might be too obvious. For now I’m counting on Eggman to stay on top but we’ll see if he can pull it off.

As always the art is really good here. All of the characters look like they were taken straight out of the games. The designs are all on point and the backgrounds are all very dynamic. The comic is a real page turner and it’s definitely easy to binge the whole time. The writing is also good. This would make for a great TV show someday and the series has always done a good job of really incorporating a ton of the Sonic mythos. The universe is really big so it makes sense to bring a lot of elements in right? The comics have not let me down yet.

As always I do have to throw a little show at Silver here though. The guy was crushing Sonic back when they first met and it seems like he is a true B leaguer at this point. The guy is never given a ton of respect. Yes he holds back a few of the mindless drones but that’s it. That’s not actually all that impressive as a feat and that’s the role he is stuck with here. I just miss his days of being really serious and powerful but so far that’s just not happening. Maybe at some point the tides will turn.

Overall, Sonic continues to product solid comics in each batch. This one’s a bit less action packed as it’s more of a zombie survival right now. The heroes just have to keep on moving and try to stay one step ahead which is no easy feat. It works well and I’m ready to see how the arc ends. I am hoping that we get a true final battle though. In a way you could end the arc without one but it’s always fun to have a big ending. Maybe have the transformed version of Shadow show up to fight Sonic. Now that would definitely be hype.

Overall 7/10

Sonic The Hedgehog: Tangle & Whisper Review

It’s time to check out one of the Sonic spinoffs. It’s about Tangle & Whisper as you could guess from the title and this is a good idea since they are some of the new characters created during this era of comics. So now they can get some extra character development and it works out well for them. I already liked Tangle so this was a good chance to bump Whisper up. I will say that she looks a lot better here than in the main series which works out well.

First up before we get into the actual mini series there is an annual issue which is basically a compilation of a bunch of small stories before we get to the heart of the matter. In one of them we actually get to see Jet and the Babylon Rogues which was a lot of fun. They always make for a really fun trio even if they were a little outmatched here. The group just can’t focus long enough to get the job done! We also get to see a museum owner who is nice enough but she can’t really fight and being a living diamond makes her an easy target. The Egg Golem from Sonic Adventure 2 Battle returns which was a nice tribute. In short all of the mini comics here are a nice tribute to the Sonic continuity as long time fans will really appreciate all of the guest stars and cameos. I wouldn’t mind if they toned down Silver’s pacifist personality and made him edgy like the Sonic 2006 game but we can’t have everything I suppose. He just always feels out of his depth and well….pretty sad tbh.

Now as for the actual mini series, it starts off with Tangle being bored at how there’s nothing to do. No enemies are attacking and yet she can’t leave the village to find adventure because she figures they will all be doomed without her. To be honest I don’t think she’s wrong about that. So for now she just waits and waits for things to change and that’s when an adventure does reach her! So Whisper is on the offensive against a villain known as Mimic. Mimic betrayed Whisper and her old group a while back and so Whisper has vowed revenge.

Mimic has the ability to shapeshift into anyone and has pretty solid combat techniques so Whisper doesn’t want Tangle to get involved but since when has something like that stopped the heroine from getting in on the action right? The two of them will have to work hard to take down Mimic and along the way we find out all of the details about Whisper’s backstory and how her personality changed from being fairly upbeat to as quiet as can be.

First off Mimic is definitely a fun villain even if not one of the more intimidating or cool ones. I always like the ole shapeshifter plot because there’s a whole lot you can do with that. Additionally there are few characters in Sonic who can actually see through a disguise. I’m betting Tails, Omega, and Eggman would have countermeasures against that but Tangle and Whisper? They have to figure things out the old fashioned way. Mimic also has some basic hand to hand skills and a whole lot of battle experience on his side. So there’s a lot to like there but his stocks do fall rather hard once we see how scared he is of Eggman and Metal Sonic.

Sure Metal Sonic would crush him in an instant but you have to have some kind of plan to deal with that. There’s been a lot of time since he was first threatened by Eggman and yet he’s still working as a lackey? The guy is definitely not seeing the bigger picture right now and needs to fix that as soon as possible. Hype design though and so I am looking forward to seeing this guy return someday. The comics have done a good job of creating new threats. The Metal Sonic mention does make me wonder why Eggman didn’t just send Metal Sonic to take out Whisper since that would be real easy…but we’ll sidestep that for now.

As mentioned, I liked Whisper quite a bit here. Her origin story is definitely a real tragic one next to the others and is a bit darker than you’d expect. I mean they basically stated that all of the members were viciously murdered which I was not expecting. Now granted they always could show up with a twist that they escaped or something but for now taking it at face value they are down for the count. So it’s a very valid reason for why Whisper is a lot broodier and more quiet than she used to be. All of that absolutely checks out.

I would like her to explode with rage a little more when going after Mimic but she does land a lot of damage either way. Her armaments are on point and she never ends up taking any of this out on Tangle. Whisper is patient when necessary and does always have a practical plan in place. So this comic did a lot to make her a more well developed character and I look forward to seeing her appear more. I hope she does still say very solemn but I don’t mind her dropping the guard a bit when around Tangle. Sort of the best friend exception you could say but with everyone else she’ll still be down to business.

Tangle also looks good here although far weaker. The comic does point out that she has no formal combat experience and so even though she is able to fight to a decent extent, she won’t be holding her own against the big shots. That makes a lot of sense. It was a good moment because sometimes it can feel like anyone can start fighting when you need some actual experience and techniques to really press the advantage like that. Tangle always means well even if she can be a little gullible and so I tend to like that kind of outgoing character.

As always the artwork is really solid here. The colors are all very striking and the pages really stick out at you. It makes for a very quick read too since you can just dive in. The art really matches the games and so I hope it can keep this style going for a very long time. The writing is on point as well and so far all of the comics have been very consistent. If this keeps up it very well could overtake the Archie saga.

Overall, This is a pretty fun spinoff that expands the world of Sonic. It may not have the end of the world stakes that the main series has but it’s a very good stand alone adventure with stakes that are really personal to the main characters. You’re invested all the way through and you feel like these are all plot points that could continue further in the future. I doubt this is the last we’ve seen of Mimic after all and it certainly isn’t the end for Tangle & Whisper. Now they will really be ready to dominate the opponents as a strong tag team.

Overall 7/10

Sonic the Hedgehog Volume 5: Crisis City Review

The Sonic comics have been consistently great and this one is no exception. As someone who was sad when Archie stopped their Sonic comics, the new line has been so good that they’ve really caught the ball and kept on running with it. I hope to see this one continue to go on for a very long time and become a Sonic ongoing with hundreds of issues. However long it may take, seeing Sonic get all of these stories will be a blast!

This one takes place right where the last volume left off with Sonic dealing with the mecha virus that is poisoning everyone. Sonic can resist this with his speed but for how long? He has to protect his friends while trying to find some kind of cure to this but it won’t be easy. His friends are all slowly weakening and if the virus takes on any of his more powerful friends then it can be all over. Even Eggman isn’t able to control the robots at this point so his right hand man is starting to look into some backup options.

In prior volumes there were different plots going on with Sonic helping someone else in each issue but this time it’s a true ongoing plot. You could say we’re in the end in terms of there not being a whole lot of heroes left. Team Chaotix takes some hits as well as Team Dark. It’s definitely a pretty high stakes arc and so I’m up for it being as long as it needs to be. I’m guessing we’re approaching the end but I’d be cool with another volume or two.

This one’s starting to bring in more of the wider cast like Gmerl and Omega which were fun to see. Naturally a virus will not be able to take them over since they are machines which is helpful for letting them stay in the fight. Omega can be a little unreasonable the whole time with how he keeps firing on the civilians but this leads to the most embarrassing part for him where he is actually unable to damage them anyway. His firepower just isn’t up to snuff compared to the metal virus and I was pretty surprised about that.

Gmerl starts off by fighting Sonic but at least he is able to see reason. Once Sonic explains that he can turn back to normal with his speed and Cream also tells Gmerl to stand down, he does. The guy wants to protect her at any moment but he doesn’t close the channels for debate. So that’s what makes him a good protector here. Each character has their own idea of what to do in this situation and some have better idea than other. I think Charmy for example looked pretty bad here because he really had no plan. The guy let his emotions get to the best of him.

Sometimes I am on board with a character defying everyone to save one person. In fact most of the time this is the right option but the problem is there was no way to actually save her without dooming a lot of other people and then of course that isn’t worth it. If you have a plan to actually save someone then you gotta do it of course but if your plan is really just trying to make some kind of move with no thought behind it then that’s not good. So these are the kinds of things that you want to think about.

There is an infamous Shadow moment here though and so lets talk about that. The main problem with the moment is that Shadow is nerfed pretty hard and also acts out of character here. He would rather get completely absorbed by the enemy than run away to prove a point. They also swarm him rather quickly. The big problem with this of course is reaction times. Even if he thought that he couldn’t be turned, he was seeing this happen in real time. So he had many opportunities to start running rather than just letting himself be taken like that. There’s no way to have him lose here and you get the feeling the writer just needed to find a way to write him out.

It’s got to be tough working with a character like Shadow who is basically as fast as Sonic but a lot more powerful. So maybe this was all they could think of but all I’m saying is that it’s still very, very noticeable. They could have done better here without a doubt. At least it does lead to our next Sonic vs Shadow battle which is always fun. Since Shadow is being controlled Sonic does get to dominate a little more this time around.

As always Sonic is an excellent main character and that hasn’t changed. He does his best to save everyone and always has a plan at the ready. He feels like a true leader and is so much more than just his speed. I definitely love the portrayal and he continues to really shine with all of the screen time. Eggman’s going to need to come up with something big to really keep up. Losing control as always isn’t a perfect look for him and he needs to watch out since it looks like he may get betrayed again. It’s definitely not easy being an evil genius.

The artwork here is really solid as you would expect. The comics have always been great in this area just like they’re great in all of the others. The characters really pop out and the colors are sharp. Everything is always on model and that makes for a winning formula. The battles are also really sharp as a result even if there aren’t any super long ones in this volume. It’s more about moving around and trying to survive rather than a big 1 on 1. The series always still manages to sprinkle in some nice comedic moments while keeping the stakes high so the writing is also on point.

Overall, Sonic is continuing to blast through this comics run with a ton of great moments and a really solid story. There just haven’t been any down sides to the comics at all yet and each arc delivers just as well as the last. I dare say this arc may even beat the Metal Sonic one at this point but it does depend on the climax of course and how this all shakes out. Hopefully I get to check out the next volume soon and we’ll see how that goes. The amount of Sonic stories that you can tell is really endless.

Overall 8/10

Sonic the Hedgehog Volume 4: Infection Review

Sonic The Hedgehog has been delivering a ton of awesome comics in this run and this volume is no exception. While the series transitions to the next big arc this is more of a setup volume but we still get some fun action scenes here. Sonic is a great main character as always and there’s just a lot to enjoy in every aspect of the volume. The series is really in good hands right now.

The volume mainly starts off with Sonic finally finding out that Eggman has really returned. No more Mr. Tinker alias or anything like that. Granted, Sonic does toy with a few ideas of what could be happening other than Eggman turning evil again but his friends point out that it’s pretty unlikely and he really has to agree. It’s just tough to realize that Eggman’s out there again. What he doesn’t yet know is that Eggman has a new ally in Dr. Starline who is a cut above Eggman’s usual help. They are developing a metal virus that can absorb and assimilate into any creature. If this gets to Sonic then all hope might be lost.

It’s a pretty solid plot since a widespread virus like this can really be difficult to deal with. Starline is also an interesting new villain. I wouldn’t say he stands out too much yet but Eggman should watch his back. I can absolutely picture Starline deciding to take him out at some point since Eggman seems to have a little more mercy and compassion than this guy. Starline really seems to look up to Eggman but I can see him being disillusioned soon. Who knows maybe Eggman will get the drop on him but he does have a tendency to be betrayed so I wouldn’t be surprised if he went down.

In the second issue we get the first big fight of the volume with Sonic and Silver teaming up to take on Starline and Metal Sonic. You’d think this would be an easy fight for the heroes right? Sonic can handle Metal while Silver beats up on Starline? Well unfortunately Silver is really just a burden in this fight as he can’t seem to keep up at all and is constantly on the defensive. Seriously I was expecting a whole lot more from that guy but it feels like he hasn’t kept up with his training or something. I have not been as impressed with Silver in the comics as I was in the 2006 game but maybe he can make a comeback.

Starline and Metal Sonic do make for a good combination to deal with though as the genius teleporting technology plus Metal Sonic’s speed is really lethal. I do miss Metal Sonic being able to talk though so hopefully he can get that back at some point. Definitely a really solid battle all throughout and the issue goes by in a snap. I love high speed battles like that and it also shows how Metal Sonic is still a threat with how fast he moves. It’s fair to say Sonic will always have the edge but when it’s 2 on 1 then he does struggle which makes sense.

Then we have Sonic’s team up with Amy against Rough and Tumble. Always good to see those guys returning. They may not be the most powerful villains but they’re actually rather enjoyable characters. I think their humor moments work rather well and it’s not like they are complete pushovers. Then with the metal mode they actually can do some real damage. The issue plays out as part mystery with the heroes learning more about Eggman’s plans and we see jut how far he is willing to take this. Right now you could even say he has the edge since he’s got this whole grand master plan going and nobody really knows what he is going to do next. Sonic is putting out the fires but nobody knows how to find and stop him just yet.

After that the final issue is more low key as the heroes try to figure out how this zombie virus works and how to stop it. The cliffhanger is pretty intense as it sets the stage for what will happen next. The heroes have a lot of resources around and their own resident genius in Tails so you figure things will work out. The comics have done a good job so far of making these big threats even while the heroes are so stacked in every area though. Right now the writing’s really been on point and Eggman has to cover a lot of ground since the heroes have really set up shop all around the planet. I suspect he is slowly going to start taking down the allies as he gets closer to Sonic.

Naturally the artwork here is top tier as always. I really like the bright art and the streamlined colors for all the characters. The high speed fights actually feel quick and all of the characters look like their video game counterparts. There are no cut corners here or low budget moments, everything is drawn with care. Mix that in with the solid writing and that’s why the comic is great. It really has no weak points that I can see and even the original comic characters for the series like the new doctor have worked out nicely. The continuity really feels tight which is massive.

Overall, This was definitely another great volume of the Sonic adventures. We got a good blend of action and the plot moving forward. It’s going to be tough to top the Neo Metal Sonic arc but this one already has a lot of players involved so I’m ready to see how it goes. Mainly we just need Shadow to make an appearance and then things will really start to get intense. As always I look forward to the next volume!

Overall 8/10

Sonic The Hedgehog Volume 3: Battle For Angel Island Review

It’s time to dive back into the world of Sonic, one of the ultimate video game characters of all time. The comic run has really been a lot of fun thus far and this continues the trend. We finally get to see Metal Sonic’s grand master plan and it’s a doozy. He makes for a good villain and it’ll be tough to top this arc for a while with how large scale it was. Might be time to bring Scourge in.

The comic starts off right away with the heroes meeting up and deciding what they need to do about Metal Sonic. Ultimately they decide to split into multiple teams so they can take Metal Sonic down, defeat his minions, and restore balance to the cosmos. Sonic and Knuckles will be going to fight off Metal Sonic directly while the others spread out across the globe. Do they really have what it takes to defeat the world’s ultimate robot?

The graphic novel brings 4 issues and they basically all go towards this arc with 3 to wrap this up and then one that’s an epilogue which also sets up the next arc. As you can imagine that means this is a very action packed story. Metal Sonic was always very powerful so throw in his copy abilities and the abilities of the Master Emerald and now you’ve really got a tough opponent to deal with. Metal Sonic keeps his logic the whole time too so don’t expect him to turn into a mindless monster. No, Metal Sonic is here to stay and has the abilities to dominate a fight in close or long range. He really seems to be overpowering Sonic and Knuckles with ease even before his power up.

The only one really able to give him a good fight there was Shadow and that’s in large part due to him landing a cheap shot when he first showed up. Ultimately if he and Sonic worked together I expect they would have really been able to throw him for a loop though. If I had any minor issue with the comic it’s that I would have enjoyed a longer fight. I feel like it ends just as it’s getting good and I just would have liked to have really gotten to settle in and enjoy this for a while longer. Still, we do have a lot of general action all around so it’s not the kind of thing that will really hurt the score.

In terms of power levels I am a bit skeptical on burning Blaze basically using up all of her energy while taking down the other villains. I know she had to use up a bunch of her powers in the fight but all of them? Felt like a quick way to keep her from fighting Metal Sonic but that would have been a really cool fight. In general Blaze looks great here though and I’m glad that her flame abilities are getting a lot of props. Back in the Sonic Rush days she was able to fight on par with Sonic after all. I would ultimately give him the edge in a fight of course but it would be a good battle.

Shadow is still a really big solo player here and the guy definitely has no inclination to work with the heroes at all. In fact he actively works against them most of the time which can be a bit funny but I can also see how it would annoy some. Ultimately Shadow just wants to do his own thing at all costs and he typically has the power to back it up so it all works out. If we eventually get a Sonic vs Shadow battle that would definitely be a whole lot of fun.

This arc also ends the era of the Sonic Forces group I’d say as it feels like everyone will be going their separate ways more. I am personally expecting a few more down to Earth arcs before we get to the next grand one like the Metal Sonic saga. I could be wrong of course but it makes sense as a way to scale back before we ramp things up again. With the new scientist who revived Eggman the plot could be her trying to impress him by building a bunch of robots that Sonic keeps on destroying. Finally she and Eggman create an ultimate robot even stronger than Metal Sonic and we go from there.

Meanwhile it also might not be a bad idea to do some arcs where you focus on other characters like Tails and Knuckles. I don’t think you want to leave Sonic out of the picture for very long but some quick meanwhiles could definitely work. The Sonic cast is absolutely big enough where you could really pull that off if you wanted to. If you’re feeling extra bold you could even do a mini Shadow arc since that guy is always a lot of fun to follow around.

As always the art is definitely really solid here. The character designs are on point and the action scenes are good. The pages capture Sonic’s speed well and it’s just very easy o read the stories. They are all real page turners and so this way there is no delay in you trying to figure out what is happening on screen. There’s a lot of attention to detail and the writing is on point too. It really goes back to the top of there not really being any big issues here. As another future plot point, Silver also seems to think that the real threat is still approaching so I’ll be interested to see what that is.

Metal Sonic is still around even if he’s weakened so I look forward to seeing what he does from here. I don’t think he will be able to go back to just being another minion so going forward I see him as a wild card threat. That sounds good to me because he is such an interesting character. He has his own goals, aspirations, and tactics and I think having him return with an army that forces Eggman and Sonic to team up would be brilliant.

Overall, Sonic The Hedgehog continues to deliver with a ton of great comics. The IDW series has really done a splendid job of keeping up the momentum here to really mitigate the sadness of losing the Archie verse. The characters are true to their game counterparts and the stories make sense as sequels to what happened in the games. The comics have even introduced a few new characters already who are cool. At the end of the day these are comics that I can recommend to anyone and that’s great because Sonic is a series that really should appeal to everyone. It’s just such a fun franchise. I’m confident that the series will continue to go strong from here so I’m really looking forward to the next one. After all this will be the first time we get to see Eggman really get involved in the comics and as he’s Sonic’s most well known villain it’s about time we catch up with him.

Overall 8/10

Sonic the Hedgehog, Vol. 2: The Fate of Dr. Eggman Review

It’s time to continue the Sonic adventures and this time the hedgehog is up against one of the most intense threats yet! Well we’re not quite at saving the world stuff but the series has been building up the mystery of what exactly happened to Eggman. The robots are still running around and attacking cities in a coordinated way but Eggman himself has yet to appear before Sonic which is strange. We finally get the answers here as well as a new character who shows up.

As always with a standard comic volume this brings 4 issues with it. It’s a pretty well balanced amount of issues to bring in for a quick read. The first two issues are a two part adventure with Team Chaotix letting Sonic know that they’ve found Eggman but something isn’t right. See, Eggman appears to be a good guy with full amnesia and doesn’t know what was going on earlier. As a result he has done a lot of good for the town. Either this is all an elaborate act or he really is a changed man. The moral question is if they should throw him in jail or not because he doesn’t remember his crimes. Meanwhile Sonic has to think quickly because Shadow and Rouge have been dispatched to take Eggman down for the count. Can Sonic really take on the world’s ultimate life form?

Shadow The Hedgehog is a being of nearly unmatched power and so it’s great to see him taking center stage again. It feels like it’s been a little while since he appeared in the comics although of course in this run we’re only at volume 2 so it’s more that I feel like I haven’t seen him in a while. He adds a lot of energy to the comic and of course we have a really good fight with Sonic here. I would argue that in a straight fight Shadow should always win because their speed levels are just about equal but Shadow has his chaos abilities. Sonic’s only real edge here is that his speed is completely natural while Shadow relies on the skates so maybe Sonic will have better maneuverability on quick turns. Additionally Sonic can be said to be a bit faster and I’d accept that but it’s still very close.

Sonic and Shadow do end up having a talk on this though and you understand the positions here. If anything Sonic was sort of on Shadow’s side before the rival showed up, but more in a “I don’t trust Eggman” as opposed to just taking him out. That’s not exactly Sonic’s style after all, he will always take things in a very easy going way and so until he was sure of what he wanted to do he was going to make sure and protect Eggman. It was a solid clash of ideologies and Rouge did what she does best which is gathering information and manipulating the others from the shadows. Without her giving the cast a heads up things probably would have gotten very dicey.

In terms of the Eggman situation well I’d have to say that they got it right. At the end of the day taking revenge on him now when he doesn’t remember anything wouldn’t really accomplish anything. I think you could probably still lock him up and wouldn’t resist that order but the idea of having him effectively do community service while being watched by other heroes makes a lot of sense to me. That way they’ll see if he does anything crazy and in theory they can stop him right away. No harm no foul and all. I look forward to seeing Shadow return again in the future though.

In the third issue we get the big return of Metal Sonic which was cool. He’s always a really interesting character and can have some of the best storylines. He’s still in his neo Metal Sonic form similar to Heroes and I like the spiky nature of that design. He is still really powerful as well to the point where Sonic wasn’t sure about finishing the fight there. I look forward to having a more extended fight with the two of them soon but this definitely worked as a solid intro for Metal Sonic to this series and he has big plans. It’s safe to say that he’s going to have a big role for a while now and the heroes are absolutely on the back foot at this point.

The final issue continues the saga but more as a subplot as we focus on Sonic and Silver teaming up with a new character named Whisper. She’s sort of like a next generation freedom fighter. She works alone but has been taking down quite a lot of enemy bases and helping people out. She’s as quiet as a whisper but already has a lot of fans including Silver. She seems like a talented fighter but I admit that the whispering gimmick got old really fast so I’m hoping she will get over that as part of a character arc or something. No reason you’d have to keep that angle up for all of her character appearances right? I mean you could…but I’m ready to break away from that and just have her stand out by saving the day all the time.

Admittedly Silver could stand to look a bit cooler as well. I miss the days of Sonic 2006 when he was basically Future Trunks. An unstoppable fighter trying to avenge his forsaken future and doing what needs to be done. He’s lost so much edge since then that he may as well be a completely different character. You would just never guess that he is the same guy if not for the design being the same. I need Silver to have his big comeback and quickly because I always liked that guy a lot back in the day.

Still, Sonic is on point as always and that’s the most important thing in the end. The art is really good as expected and it makes for an easy read. You never have to pause on a page to wonder what’s going on because it’s all really clear. If you’re pausing it is only to appreciate how good and streamlined the art is. A lot of work was absolutely put into this one and the Sonic series continues to operate at a high level. I would even say that it beats volume 1 since this time we got Shadow and Metal Sonic into the mix which always elevates things.

Overall, I definitely recommend checking this comic out. The Sonic comics have not disappointed and we are setting up the seeds for a lot of fun events in the future. At this rate Sonic is going to need some back-up and maybe even his Super Sonic form won’t cut it this time. Might it be time to bring in Infinite? Well, it’s not like Sonic even knows where that guy is or if he even still exists but it’s something to dream about at least. Sometimes you need overwhelming power to stop another powerful fighter.

Overall 8/10

Sonic the Hedgehog, Vol. 1: Fallout! Review

It’s time to finally jump into the world of Sonic in the more recent comic series. Sonic has had a ton of epic comics over the years and you’d expect no less from the greatest video game series of all time. After playing Sonic Frontiers it was pretty good timing to be reading this comic. It really is a great way of starting off the saga. I had a blast and look forward to seeing how things go from here.

The story kicks off fairly quick as Sonic takes down a bunch of Eggman’s robots. After the events of Sonic Forces Eggman vanished but his army remained. They now randomly attack across the planet and so the heroes must all join forces and do their best to stop these bots. The problem is the sheer numbers of them and more are built by the day. So while they may not be a threat to Sonic and friends, the world is quite large and people will continue to be at danger until they’re all taken down. This volume brings 4 issues and right now they’re all fairly stand alone as we start to learn more about the overall threat.

The first story involves Tails as Sonic teams up with him to stop the robots. Then we have one for Amy, Knuckles, and finally Tangle. In each comic Sonic shows up to save the day but it becomes clear that the robots do have some kind of a master now. The attacks have grown coordinated and more powerful robots are also showing up. Sonic is as confident as ever but the rest of the heroes are getting a bit nervous at this point. Can they really hold out against such an onslaught forever?

My first big praise for the series will be the action series. Perhaps it’ll feel like a given that the series has great fights but there is a lot of detail to the action in each issue. There will be whole pages of no text, just action as the heroes use combo attacks and take the enemies down. I like that there is a lot of choreography here and actual back and forth. These aren’t one hit KOs or anything like that. Instead you’re getting actual battles through and through which is a great thing. Sure the robots aren’t a real threat to Sonic but that’s not really the point anyway. You’re here to see what he can do with his speed and I like the combos are are used all the time.

The writing here is also great as you would expect. Sonic is as confident as ever and takes all the villains down easily but he has the skills to back it up. He’s never overconfident and he’s also still very mature. When the other heroes want to get deep or talk about something important he doesn’t brush them off and still has a reasonable answer. His conversation with Amy about joining the resistance was a very good conversation. Nobody jumped to conclusions or anything, just a solid talk where they each explained their points of view and that was the end of it.

As a result I’m happy to report that all of the characters were solid here. Tails also looks good and while he may still be a little on the nervous side, he can still fight and defend himself. This is Tails closer to his best like in Adventure 2 Battle and I like that because he absolutely has proven himself many times at this point. It’s fine to be a little nervous especially with Sonic being taken down by Infinite and pals in the past but he’s not whining about it or anything like that.

Meanwhile Amy looks really good here as well. She’s keeping her feelings in check and doing a great job as the leader of the resistance. (She’s basically the leader at this point) She can still fight a lot and of course she would love to go with Sonic but she chooses her responsibilities first. Amy has come a long way and this really makes her a much more endearing character. You can also sympathize with her one sided romance towards Sonic more now that it’s not portrayed as this crazy gag that’s always around. Holding herself back and just trying to go about things normally is a great move. Even if Sonic were to vanish again, I think she’d be able to keep the resistance in good shape.

Then we have Knuckles who is on point here. He always has a great dynamic with Sonic and you know that the two of them can take on any threat that gets in their way. They have a good fight against two new fighters who showed up and I would take these two against just about any villain combination. I can also see why Knuckles is eager to go back to Angel Island since actively running around and getting results is really his thing. He’s not the kind of guy who usually just sits behind the desk and it fits in with his character.

Finally we have Tangle who is new for the comics and she’s been a fun character so far. I know apparently there is a reference for her within Sonic Frontiers as well so she may even get to the games soon. Her tail makes for a very handy weapon in combat and she can take care of herself. I’m not sure I totally have a read on her personality yet but she’s strong and is a quick thinker as she helped Sonic and Blaze take out the enemies. I look forward to seeing more of her later on.

Meanwhile Blaze did get to appear as well which was fun. She shows up rather suddenly but that’s the fun part of time travel. The comics are already hinting that something major is about to happen and I’m absolutely ready for it. Imagine if Infinite returns soon? We already have a mysterious villain talking tough in the background and planning things out so I’m looking forward to seeing who that is. Shadow hasn’t appeared yet either but there will be time for that. The comics are slowly re-introducing all of the characters which is a good way to start things off. I also like how they show that the Egg robots can be a decent threat when there are enough of them.

I was always skeptical about the world being taken over without Sonic and I still am to be honest since the game never gave a good reason for why Shadow wasn’t around taking everyone out. I consider that to be a bit of a plot hole but the comics are doing good damage control here. I also just like the continuity being present here because it just adds a little extra immersion to the whole experience.

It almost goes without saying but the art is really solid. All of the characters stand out and the colors are bright and vibrant in general. This all looks fantastic all the way around and it makes reading the comics a breeze. I hope they keep this artist for the full run if possible because it would be difficult to top this.

Overall, Sonic is off to the races once more. I always thought the Archie comics were fantastic as well so I was sad to see them go but hopefully this new ongoing will continue for a very long time as well. I think Archie had something like 700 issues so for me I first want to see 100 total issues and then after that I’d like the series to reach 1000. Of course that will take years to do but it would be a really fun goal. If you haven’t read the comics yet then you definitely should. It’s got everything that a Sonic fan could possibly want!

Overall 8/10

Godzilla: World of Monsters Review

Godzilla has returned! Lesss gooooooo. So after all these years I’ll now have gotten to read 6 different Godzilla series in one month. It’s nice to be catching up on all these titles after so long. In general the previous collection probably takes the win but the comics here are all solid as you would expect. Godzilla Oblivion is the weakest one but feels the most traditional while the gangsters series is the most different but ended up being the best. Rach series is quite different from the others so you certainly can’t say that the series is trying to play it safe. This title isn’t afraid to keep on switching things up.

First up we have Gangsters and Goliaths which follows a guy named Detective Sato. He’s been after a criminal group for a very long time now but unfortunately this group has grown too powerful. They now have people inside of the police force and just about everywhere else too. There is no way to escape from them and he is slowly seeing how futile the whole thing is. No matter how fast or far away he goes, the villains are right on his tail. His only chance now is a desperate one. He kidnaps the two priestesses who control Mothra and decides to use them as hostages so that Mothra can destroy the gangs. Naturally the gangs can’t do anything against a Kaiju but this is a dangerous game that he is playing. All it would take is one slip up and Mothra might end him in an instant.

Sato is a decent guy who has been taken into a rather extreme situation. The comic does make it clear that he wouldn’t actually shoot any of the two girls so that was good since it would have completely tanked his character. Still, taking hostages is certainly not the best plan in any case. Additionally he goes on a bit of a power trip by the end where he actually starts to try and drag the situation out. Rather than just end the gang in an instant he wants them to know that Detective Sato was the one who did them in and this is what makes things tougher for him. If he had just gone straight for the win then he would have saved himself a whole lot of heartache.

Mothra’s faction don’t look great here either. It’s like none of them can fight. I understand that they’re pacifists for the most part and get that but you have to still know that other people are ready and willing to fight. So when you walk up to a mobster with no plan and get shot it just makes these guys look bad. Mothra needs to re train her faction right from the ground up in order to get this all taken care of. They shouldn’t be getting handled by a normal guy like this. As for the actual human plot, I sort of missed the monsters the whole time. The gang plot is well written but since you’re reading Godzilla you’re hoping for more explosions and Kaiju battles. Now that’s something that would help elevate this to a whole new level. This was a good way to kick things off though and life does go on even while Kaiju are around so it does make sense that there would be gangs running around.

In Cataclysm we see that Godzilla successfully took down the entire planet. It’s now a wasteland with nothing left and people live in a very apocalyptic environment. At this point it’s a struggle just to stay alive. Only one Kaiju wants to bring the Earth back to life and that’s Biollante. Well, I guess Mothra is around to help but Biollante has the nature energy to revive the planet. The problem is that Godzilla keeps murdering her before she can really generate enough power. Hiroshi blames himself for this because he was part of a government experiment about mind controlling Godzilla and of course it went terribly wrong. All he succeeded in doing was getting that Kaiju real mad. Godzilla holds quite the grudge as he wants to doom the planet forever now. Hiroshi’s only chance is if he can escape with part of Biollante to buy her some time but this won’t be easy because Godzilla is king of the monsters. He is always around ready to dish out some pain.

The setting here is definitely very dreary and the comic paint quite the picture of what would happen if Godzilla won. There is a lot of narration from Hiroshi as he believes that nobody can ever truly know Godzilla so this might not even be rage but just Godzilla doing whatever he wants. There isn’t really a way to know for sure and that’s the crazy part. So in the grand scheme of things the humans couldn’t do much. So this makes for a decent survival story. The humans tend to look really bad here though. Some immediately want to go back to sacrifices and such to appease Godzilla while others just turn back to a life of crime. Hiroshi’s relatives blame him for everything even though that’s unreasonable because he was just following orders and had no way of knowing that this could even happen. Hiroshi was feeling guilty about the whole thing all these years but technically speaking he wasn’t as responsible as he figures. It would have been nice if the other characters could have acknowledged this.

I’d say the best part about this series is that it really shows why Godzilla is the king. It’s clear that no other Kaiju was able to even come close to his overall abilities and that’s how it should be. A king should be considerably stronger than the others and Godzilla proved that with ease. This comic really understood that aspect of his character which was great. I’m also cool with the humans panicking and looking awful since I could totally see that happening if we ever got a Godzilla. It’s annoying to watch but it definitely tracks.

Finally we have Godzilla Oblivion. So there are a bunch of scientists who are being paid to create a giant portal. They complete this task and then reluctantly turn it on because the boss wants a demonstration. This leads to all of them heading into a parallel Earth that is filled with monsters destroying everything. This isn’t exactly what they bargained for so they head back home but Ghidorah follows them and destroys everything. A few years pass and the heroes need to open the portal to send him back home but is that even possible?

The humans are completely out of their depth but what else is new right? Just trying to dump all of their problems onto another Earth isn’t the best idea either. The scientist tries explaining that but gets overruled the whole time. One issue here is that a lot of the characters look really similar. Throw in the fact that this comic has a unique style of framing the panels where you rarely see anybody and it can be really easy to mix everyone up. I feel that this does limit the series from the jump because it sort of takes you out of the experience. There’s not a whole lot to care about in the human plot because they all get mixed up and are thinking about themselves anyway.

I was actually kind of happy when the other Earth decided to throw all of their Kaiju at us because our Earth was being so annoying about the whole thing. They’ve got some really valid reasons for just doing this because it seems like our humans would have done the same thing if they could have. At first the other Earth actually seemed like decent fighters but in the end they were just doing their best to survive like we were and weren’t exactly winning the fight. The Kaiju are just too tough and relentless like always.

We do get a good amount of Kaiju action here which is always good though. They all get to show their stuff from start to finish. Godzilla looks like one of the big shots but we also have Ghidorah and Destoroyah running around so this time he has some actual competition instead of it just being a cakewalk for him. That’s good since you always want to have a little bit of a challenge there. I’d say we could have focused less on the humans and more on the big Kaiju action.

The art throughout these issues is fairly good. I wouldn’t say it ever gets amazing but it’s pretty solid. You really get to see the different energy attacks and the Kaiju designs definitely stick out. That’s the important thing here since you really want them to be able to stand out. There was a body of a dead animal in one comic that felt rather unnecessary. Fortunately it was a passing shot and had been gone for some time but I always get nervous that an animal will be collateral damage in one of these issues so the comics need to watch out.

Overall, Godzilla Oblivion is a very solid comic. It’s got a whole lot of action to it and a nice variety of stories. You should definitely check this out if you’re a Godzilla fan. Who knows maybe one of these comic series will be turned into a film or a TV show someday. There’s always hope out there and I think that could work really well. To keep things expanding I would probably say to do an original story instead but if it does get adapted then we’ll be able to see these fights on the big screen. Sadly Orga doesn’t appear here but I can still hope that he will return one of these days. He’s easily the most underrated Kaiju and it’s not even close.

Overall 7/10