Knuckles vs Thing

The Thing definitely has a lot of raw power on his side, but so does Knuckles. Knuckles is also faster and more of a fighter. The Thing won’t be able to keep up with Knuckles fast barrage of attacks. Of course Knuckles also has some pretty intense power ups to help him even more. Knuckles wins.

10 thoughts on “Knuckles vs Thing

  1. I agree knuckles takes this, 7-10 (and that is on behalf of his encounters with hulk,which were ridiculous, and me being generous). Now, let’s judge this by marvel’s scale. Knuckles is on things level in strength and punching power (and maybe a bit above as shown by his feats ex: hitting and throwing with enough force to ignite the air around the objects, punches can split hydrogen within the air, causing tremors and volcanic eruptions, etc) 100 tons. Knuckles is things superior in speed and reflexes (we all know that) so let’s skip that. Both have impressive durability and can take what they can dish out,especially thing in his fights with huk. Unfortunately, taking punches from someone who can split hydrogen at a rate faster than what he can react to will be his downfall. Knuckles can take his punches and get back up fighting so they’re even here. Stamina, knuckles may have more stamina n that he is able to keep up with sonic in running and in combat for extended periods. Thing has impressive stamina, but knux takes this. Intellegence, both are are street smart and know some things so it is equal here (though knux has a vast knowledge on ancient civilizations and their culture so technically……). Energy projection: since this is non existent in the thing, we’ll focus on knux. Knux has the ability to manipulate sarths energy to

    • Yeah, the Thing is powerful, but I don’t think he could totally match Knuckles in power. Maybe normal form, but in his Super Knuckles form his power is amped up 1000X which is insanely tough! This would definitely be a fun fight. It would give new meaning to the term Clobbering Time! 😉

      The Thing not really having much in the way of energy projection is definitely a big negative for him. Knuckles will definitely exploit that weakness and help him take the win

  2. Manipulate earth’s energy to block or heal him and even summon meteor like rocks from the sky( so he’s somewhat geokinetic). He can also cause small volcanic eruptions (as mentioned earlier) that would definetly help (also knux has the stamina to match his power, taking out an army of robots without rest). He can create a fire barrier around himself to be used defensively and offensively. Last but not least on the energy projection, he can manipuulate manipulate the energy of the M.E for a variety of affects which include empowerment, projection of chaos energy (ex thunder arrow), and attack enhancement. Now to fighting skills, knux takes this. The reason i say this is because not only does the know martial arts, he is quick and powerful. Knux is known for his slow but potent hits and sure sonic called him “slow” but hey it’s sonic! He’s fast enough to pull off any move on thing taht he wanted, and there’s little thing can do about it. Once he gets caught in the combo…… its over buddy. Also he took on multiple nocturnus tribe members (who are known for their h2h and stealth combat skills) befor going down. He can also dig which can give him the an advantage. Also he can speedblitz via maximum heat attack. If worse comes to worse he has super (which is an overkill) and hyper (no….just no) knuckles which wil EASILY get the job done. So yeah knux takes this.

    • Yeah, I think Knuckles is definitely underestimated a lot. If more people knew of all these feats and techniques…Knuckles would definitely be more well known! I agree that Knuckles ends up taking this easily thanks to all of these special techniques that Thing won’t be able to counteract. Thing would be getting speedblitzed and blasted from every side which will definitely take him out of the fight.

  3. I agree he couldn’t totally match knx physically but you know how thing fans are *looks around meticulously*. It would be a fin fight and lol to the “clobbering time pun. Yes that energy projection will screw thing up. Shout out to dreager ;), you’re awesome bro and thanks for agreeing, none of this would be possible with out you!

    • Well, thanks man 🙂 It would definitely be cool to see this fight and I wouldn’t say that it’s completely out of the question. A Marvel/Sonic crossover has epic possibilities!

  4. Your welcome and i agree a sonic/marvel crossover would be awesome! I already have the fights in my head! Hey don’t want to overwhelm you so I’ll get off this page and the request page (since it’s there for requesting, not discussing, apparently i didn’t get it). Tty at cosmoman vs bass or windman vs tenguman ;).

  5. Knuckles is way too strong to lose here. If we include his Archie comics counter-part, there would be no fight at all. With his Chaos Form, Knuckles is near unstoppable. With this form he can control time and space, not to mention the massive boost in all of his stats. Also, why not do Knuckles Vs. Donkey Kong? I have not seen that fight here yet.

    Signed, Super Dark Shadow.

    • That’s true. In Chaos mode he really stomps Thing in this fight. Sure, I’ll add Knuckles vs DK to the vault. Should definitely be an interesting battle of heavy weights

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