Mega Man III Review

It’s time for the next Mega Man title. In III we get to see more bosses to take down and the gameplay will be pretty familiar from the previous two games. I would say it’s also in the middle of those two in a few aspects. It’s harder than 2 but not as brutal as the first game. In terms of length I would say it’s in the middle due to difficulty as well. There is finally some real incentives to using the various robot master abilities as well since they help to get more extra lives and energy tanks. So that’s a good thing even if you still won’t use them much for the actual boss fights. You also finally get access to the charged shot.

So you can tell that the game is getting more modern. Ultimately the story is still more of the same in a lot of ways. I would like the games to get a little more ambitious here but at least I know by Mega Man 8 things tend to get pretty cool with the stories. In the meantime seeing Mega Man dominate and shred all of the robots in his way is pretty cool. It shows just how far he has come over the years and why he is such a dominating threat. Nobody can stand in the way of the blue bomber!

The gameplay is fun as always and I already broke down the various improvements. In a pure gameplay sense this might be the smoothest title although II is still my favorite because of the difficulty balance. This game has the highest item drop rate though which is also important. So basically if you want extra lives or energy tanks then you are really in luck here. You will definitely find them around every corner without exception. So feel free to stock up on them and it also helps to counter the difficulty to an extent. I still think that the series should user endless lives as an incentive to keep fighting the boss though. Just let me keep trying until I run out of time to continue the game. The way I see it, that should be the only way to get to the game over screen. Even if I have 3-4 lives, that’s not enough time to master the boss’ movements without the rewind system.

In terms of graphics, the game still falls into the same issue of the green palette backgrounds the whole time. It doesn’t let you enjoy the colors or adventures quite as much as you would be able to otherwise. It just makes everything look the same which isn’t quite as hype as it could have been. I would also still say that the soundtrack is only okay. I’m waiting for the tracks that will really knock my socks off. Give me those and then we’re really in business! Until then it’s just not really going to be enough here to really boost the game.

In terms of replay value, I wouldn’t say there is any here. There are no collectibles yet so when you beat the game that is it. The credits roll and then you are satisfied with the knowledge that you beat the game. It’s not particularly long but you can play it via the Switch Online so at least you aren’t spending anything extra. If you were buying it for console then I would definitely say to make sure you get a good price for it. You don’t want to spend a whole lot because while it is fun, it’s just not really long enough to justify the price.

Overall, Mega Man III is a pretty fun game. It’s definitely a title that I would recommend checking out right away. It is very similar to the first two games so at least you will know right away if you will enjoy it or not. There is something to be said for consistency. Massive fans of the franchise are really blessed to be able to get new levels and more bosses in the same style thanks to this. It helps the adventures to never run out and adds replay value to them as well. I’ll be continuing the Mega Man marathon shortly with IV coming up. We’ll see if it is able to surpass this game or if the series is about to fall off hard.

Overall 6/10

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