Ben 10 vs Mew

Ben 10 has a lot of alien forms at his disposal, but can they hope to match up against the legendary Mew!? Mew is possibly the strongest pokemon in existence and he was holding his own against Mewtwo. That’s definitely a pretty solid feat and one to be proud of. I don’t think that Ben 10 could get past Mew’s barrier. Mew wins.

Mew vs Silver Surfer

Silver Surfer is here and he’s ready to fight. Sadly for him he’s not at Mew’s level. Mew can shoot giant energy blasts and move faster than the speed of light. Silver Surfer can’t really compete with that power. Mew wins.

But now Silver Surfer can. Silver Surfer wins.

But I’ve finally realized Mew’s true power! Mew wins.

Mew vs Superman

Well this is a pretty close fight. Superman can beat most pokemon, but some are a little over his head. This is one of them. Mew’s energy balls would take down Superman. Mew wins.

but with Superman’s super abilities he wins this match. Superman wins.

But they aren’t super enough. Mewtwo wins.