Garchomp vs Signas

Suggested by Anonymous Garchomp is a pretty powerful Pokemon and one of the more impressive ones out there. He will attack Signas quite aggressively. Stopping him will not be easy and Signas is not going to be up to the task. Part of the issue here is that we’ve never gotten to see Signas in action. Sure, we can assume that he is very skilled, but without any actual feats thrown in it would definitely be a total assumption. I wouldn’t trust him to get the win here on that alone. Garchomp wins.

Garchomp vs Tyranitar

This is a pretty close battle of titanic Pokemon. Both of them rank up there as some of the strongest Pokemon in existence. Tyranitar is physically stronger than Garchomp, but he is not the quickest fighter in the batch. Tyranitar isn’t slow by any stretch of the imagination, but Garchomp was a true speedster. His claws could deal some serious damage to Tyranitar and his energy blasts could match up pretty well. I’d say that Garchomp would be able to claim victory. Garchomp wins.

Garchomp vs Blanka

Blanka is pretty good at hand to hand combat and his attacks can be pretty unpredictable. Luckily, Garchomp is also great in close combat and his sharp arm blades will give him the edge. He can definitely cope with Blanka’s thunder attacks through his energy blasts and large array of long range abilities. Blanka will have to take a loss in this battle. Garchomp wins.

Garchomp vs Farfetchd

Garchomp is back and now he’s up against Farfetchd! Farfetchd is tough stuff, but in the end I have my doubts that he could take on someone as powerful as Garchomp! Garchomp has the speed and power advantage and his attacks are a lot more deadly. This could be the end of the road for Farfetchd. Garchomp wins.

Ash vs Garchomp

Garchomp is a pretty fierce pokemon. It doesn’t just look tough, (Though it does look pretty hardcore) but it is tough! Garchomp is also pretty fast, luckily for Ash he was well prepared for this battle. He has Aerial pokemon, Speed pokemon, and Power Pokemon. With all of them at his disposal he definitely wins this round. Ash wins.