General Blue vs Yami Yugi

Suggested by Anonymous General Blue is a strong fighter and one of the more competent humans in Dragon Ball. He has super strength and speed that is far greater than the average mortal but naturally way below the typical DBZ character’s ability. I think Yami Yugi would be able to summon enough monsters to keep Blue’s speed from being too much of an issue. Blue just wouldn’t be able to hold his own against Yami’s full onslaught of monsters. Yami Yugi wins.

General Blue vs Arale

General Blue doesn’t really stand a chance here. Arale is a casual planet buster and not even I could easily make that argument for General Blue. He’s definitely superhuman and he could beat your average street opponent, but that’s not enough to deal with Arale. She can take on the mighty Goku pre SSJ and her feats really speak for themselves. Arale wins.

General Blue vs Dr Wheelo

General Blue is a pretty good hand to hand fighter and his power level of 100+ is nothing to sneeze at. That being said, it’s still considerably less than Dr Wheelo. Wheelo supposedly has a power level that surpasses 30,000 although I can’t say that he looked quite That impressive. Nonetheless, General Blue can’t surpass that gap. Dr Wheelo wins.

General Blue vs Goku

General Blue was one of Goku’s older enemies so he can’t really take down current Goku. Goku has easily surpassed him in Power, Speed, and Overall Ability! With one punch General Blue would lose instantly, that’s the power of Goku! Goku is the saiyan of legend and cannot be beat! Goku wins.