Gourry vs Captain Kirk

Captain Kirk is back once again and he’s up against a legendary swordsman of light. “Light come forth!” is Gourry’s epic catchphrase and it never gets old. He’s a bit of an intriguing character since he definitely has many likable moments while also making you wish that he would go away at other times. It’s just how it goes I suppose and his agility should give him the edge that he needed. Gourry wins.

Ghirahim vs Captain Kirk

Captain Kirk is a figure that you have probably heard about by now. His reputation precedes him and he’s not the kind of guy that you want to overlook. He may just be a human, but he’s a human with a lot of determination. Heart wins battles and nobody has more heart than him….right? Well, Ghirahim can take on whole armies and his teleporting abilities should also give him an edge. Ghirahim wins.

Little Mac vs Captain Kirk

Little Mac has always been a winner in the past and that seems to be translating well into his future. He actually has a losing record on the blog so far, but things seem to be looking up for him. Captain Kirk means well, but he’s just a little out of his depth in this battle. He tried and he gave it his all…but it just wasn’t enough. Little Mac wins.

Gokudera vs Captain Kirk

Captain Kirk is back yet again, but at least he’s learning what it feels like to be on the other end of a climatic showdown! He doesn’t get to walk away as the victor this time and it has been a while since he did get to claim that title. Gokudera has a lot of dynamite and explosives on his side and we can expect him to clobber all foes that get in his way as he wins his first blog match. Gokudera wins.

Tokine vs Captain Kirk

Tokine hasn’t fought on the blog in a long time, but she’s still pretty experienced when it comes to a brawl. She can make boxes of pure energy that enable her to vaporize her foes. If Captain Kirk gets stuck in one of those…it’s game over for him. He’ll simply be outmatched at that point and he’ll need to call it a day. Tokine wins.

Shikamaru vs Captain Kirk

Captain Kirk may be pretty smart when it comes to battle tactics, but even he would likely admit that Shikamaru is superior in this aspect. Shikamaru’s ninjutsu aren’t quite as flashy as Naruto’s or Sasuke’s, but he knows how to use his abilities in the most efficient way possible. I’m afraid that Captain Kirk is simply outmatched here. Shikamaru wins.

Hilda vs Captain Kirk

Captain Kirk is back once again and he has now cracked 90 battles on the blog. He’s closing in on 100 rather quickly and then it’ll be time to find someone to replace him for these introduction matches. Hilda easily wins in her debut as a simple sword slash will be enough to take the Captain out of the fight for good. Hilda wins.

Steelix vs Captain Kirk

Steelix is a pretty tough Pokemon. I was always a little skeptical on the design since I think Onyx looks a little cooler, but Steelix has proven his mettle time and time again. Captain Kirk has proven that he can be a tough commander, but that’s not enough to really land a deciding blow here. Kirk just doesn’t have the proper equipment to win here. Steelix wins.

Zeed Millenniummon vs Captain Kirk

Zeed Millenniummon is another fighter who really shouldn’t be in the winless category so this battle will definitely shoot him up the ranks. Captain Kirk has been taking a lot of losses already so one more won’t hurt. He’s nearing 100 battles on the blog and this is a grim reminder to the Captain that he cannot win every battle with a gun and his hand to hand skills. Zeed Millenniummon wins.

Takamiya vs Captain Kirk

Captain Kirk has been looking like the next James Bond with all of these recent losses. At least he is losing to tough opponents though. Takamiya just needs one good punch to take Captain Kirk down once and for all. He also has the massive speed advantage and a blast from the Starship Enterprise may not be able to hurt him. Takamiya wins.