Captain Kirk vs Voltorb

Voltorb is a pretty cool Pokemon so it must have been rough for his fans to see him in the 0-3 section. Well, he’s finally moving up today since he’s up against Captain Kirk! Captain Kirk has his experience and hand to hand toughness on his side, but a quick explosion should take him down for the count. A simple Thundershock will also have the same effect and Voltorb actually has the speed advantage despite how he may appear. Voltorb wins.

Chrom vs Captain Kirk

Captain Kirk has really been taking a lot of losses lately, but I’m sure that they’ll die down once he has reached 100 battles. He’s certainly nearing that milestone and at least he’s losing to an experienced swordfighter. Chrom narrowly missed being playable in the current Super Smash Bros title and I’m sure that he’ll be in a sequel someday. He can win this match with a single slash. Chrom wins.

Lina Inverse vs Captain Kirk

Lina Inverse may have gotten off to a rocky start on the blog, but now she is here to change all of that. Jim…or Captain Kirk is not equipped to defeat Lina. One Dragon Slave attack would crush Kirk and his starship. That isn’t even Lina’s strongest attack so Kirk really is doomed here. Experience is no substitute for immense magical power….so Lina has them both to be safe! Lina Inverse wins.

Cia vs Captain Kirk

Captain Kirk is a pretty intense commander, but he’s really out of his league when it comes to a magic fight. Cia is one of the strongest villains that we’ve seen in the Zelda verse and she can definitely hold her own against a whole fleet. One good blast is all that she would need to take Captain Kirk down for the count. Cia wins.

Fuji vs Captain Kirk

Captain Kirk is back once again and he’s in for another big loss. He’s simply no match against someone like Fuji and Kirk would be speedblitzed as soon as the match began. Kirk has his guns at the ready of course, but none of Kirk’s tech would really be able to harm such a powerful fighter. Fuji’s name is definitely appropriate when you think of how tough Mt. Fuji is! Fuji wins.

Lana vs Captain Kirk

Now it’s Lana’s turn to join the blog ranks. Her abilities were pretty impressive in Hyrule Warriors and I have no doubt that she could defeat Captain Kirk. Kirk has his own magic spells, but they are not quite as destructive as Lana’s. Kirk has fought over 80 times at this point and it seems like 100 battles may actually be in the cards for him! Lana wins.

Volga vs Captain Kirk

Volga makes his debut onto the blog with this battle and Captain Kirk really won’t be able to take him down. Volga is the better hand to hand fighter and his destructive abilities allow him to lay waste to armies with ease. I don’t think we can really say the same for Captain James T Kirk. His melee experience simply won’t be enough here. Volga wins.

Hidan vs Captain Kirk

Captain Kirk may be the Captain of a pretty big spaceship, but Hidan is an experienced shinobi. His ninjutsu skills are as impressive as you may have figured and he really won’t be stopped by any of Kirk’s weapons. He is immortal after all and that definitely helps a whole lot (Or a little anyway) when it comes down to a fight. Hidan wins.

Furuichi vs Captain Kirk

Furuichi makes his debut onto the blog with this match. Captain Kirk has his guns, but they won’t be enough to deal with this guy. Furuichi is one of those characters who gets serious when the need arises and he has demonic tissues that allow him to harness the power of the local demons. At his strongest, Furuichi was able to even give Oga a run for his money! That’s enough to take Kirk down. Furuichi wins.

Iihiko vs Captain Kirk

This is a fairly easy battle as Iihiko would win with ease. There is nothing that Captain Kirk can do to deal any damage to such a fearsome opponent. Iihiko can end planets and he’s faced off against Medaka Kurokami, who is one of the strongest fighters out there. Kirk has definitely met his match in this fight. Iihiko wins.