Mr Miracle vs Omega Red

Suggested by Sonic Omega Red is a very powerful villain whose main asset is his never ending drive to finish the fight. You can hit this guy many times but he always gets back up ready and willing to battle. Mr Miracle can dodge some hits and make his miraculous escapes but this will only buy him some time. Ultimately he is still going to get knocked out and has no way to effectively land counter strikes here. Omega Red’s tendrils are way too fast. Omega Red wins.

Status Quo vs Mr Miracle

Suggested by Sonic The Status Quo is a guy who doesn’t like to keep things as they are. He uses protests and outrage to try and stop society itself. The guy can’t really fight though. While I wouldn’t usually say Mr Miracle is the strongest fighter out there, he still does have basic super strength as well as a lot of high tech options. With those at his disposal, I can’t really see the Status Quo doing much of anything. He would be taken out before long. Mr Miracle wins.

Vertigo vs Mr Miracle

Suggested by Sonic Vertigo has the impressive ability to make a foe rather dizzy with her voice. It’s not a bad trick for getting her opponents off balance, but I don’t really think it’ll do much more than slow Mr Miracle down. He’s definitely ready for whatever she throws at him. He’s also got some energy manipulation of his own so he’ll be able to blast her from afar without running the risk of losing his balance. Mr Miracle wins.

Mr Miracle vs Lazerman

Mr Miracle is an expert at getting out of traps, but it won’t be enough this time. Lazerman’s just a better fighter in the end. It doesn’t hurt that he’s both faster and stronger than Mr Miracle. So Lazerman’s got a huge advantage in this battle. Poor Mr Miracle drops down the blog ranks. Lazerman wins.

Mr Miracle vs Big Barda

Mr Miracle knows how too get out of traps, but in the end that’s just not enough too defeat Big Barda. Time and time again Big Barda has shown that she’s a much better warrior than Mr Miracle will ever be. Mr Miracle just doesn’t have the super strength or hand to hand skills that Big Barda has. Though they were comrades for a long time Big Barda’s always stayed a couple dozen steps ahead of Mr Miracle. Big Barda wins.