Green Lantern vs Cell

Green Lantern has the strongest weapon in the known universe…or close to it. Green Lantern is pretty fast and he can make a lot of constructs, but he’s just not in the same league as Cell. Cell can casually destroy whole solar systems and one good shot would be enough to take down Green Lantern. Green Lantern just doesn’t have the level of ability that is needed to stop Cell. Cell wins.

Green Lantern vs Darkseid

This is another close battle of DC powerhouses. Green Lantern has proven that he can go up against heavyweights like Darkseid in the past, but can he win? I’d say that Green Lantern has the speed advantage in this round and his GL Power Ring will come in handy. With the amount of energy that he can shoot out, Green Lantern will definitely get his share of hits in. The main problem that is presented to Green Lantern is the fact that Darkseid’s durability is insanely high. The majority of Green Lantern’s attacks will only cause minimal damage at best whereas Darkseid’s attacks will definitely cause some damage. Green Lantern’s abilities just weren’t enough this time and he takes a narrow loss in this round. Darkseid wins.

Superman vs Green Lantern

Green Lantern has his GL Power Ring and he’s a very capable fighter. His speed is typically underestimated, but he can go very fast. Maybe not as fast as Superman or the Flash, but his speed is incredible and he would easily leave the average character in the dust. I dare say that he could outspeed the Quicksilver. Still, Superman’s faster than Hal and he’s definitely stronger. Green Lantern’s constructs are very formidable since his imagination is really the limit to what he can create. Superman is one of the few heroes of DC who can take Green Lantern down, but it would be a great fight. Superman wins.

Green Lantern vs Liu Kang

Liu Kang can throw a mean punch, but that won’t help when you’re up against a Green Lantern. Not only are the Green Lanterns very powerful, but Liu Kang is up against Hal Jordan, the strongest Green Lantern! Green Lantern could win this round effortlessly in so many different ways that it’s not even funny. Liu Kang never stood a chance of winning. Green Lantern wins.

Shang Tsung vs Green Lantern

Green Lantern is one of the strongest JLA members out there. His GL Power Ring barely has any limits and since Hal has a very strong will, he can defeat just about anyone. Shang Tsung doesn’t have enough speed to dodge Green Lantern for long and he takes a dip in the blog ranks. Maybe he will come back with a solid win soon. Green Lantern wins.

Granny Goodness vs Green Lantern

Granny Goodness may have her thunder staff, but it definitely won’t be enough to take down the formidable Green Lantern. Green Lantern can conjure up just about anything that he needs with his GL Power Ring. Granny Goodness won’t be able to keep up with his speed or power. Green Lantern wins.

Evil Star vs Green Lantern

Green Lantern is back and now he’s up against a pretty sinister villain! Evil Star’s name pretty much says it all. He won’t hesitate to fight such a powerful opponent like Green Lantern and he can definitely deal some intense damage. Of course I still think Green Lantern would win this match in the end. Green Lantern wins.

Dazzler (DC) vs Green Lantern

Dazzler (DC) may be a pretty sneaky fellow, but it’s hard to hide from a guy as tough as Green Lantern. One blast is all he needs to take his opponent down and he’s also got the experience to make sure his win is complete. Dazzler (DC) loses his debut match…and he may not battle again for a while. Green Lantern wins.

Bill Baggett vs Green Lantern

Bill Baggett makes his blog debut, but I don’t think that he has a chance against Green Lantern. Green Lantern has a lot of will power in him and he’s definitely more experienced with a GL Power Ring. Bill Baggett is a pretty resourceful guy, but in the end it just won’t be enough. Green Lantern wins.

Green Lantern vs Spiderman

Spiderman has some pretty good web slinging abilities and he also became Captain Universe. Not to mention that he also obtained the Phoenix Force. I still think that I’d go with Green Lantern on this round. Green Lantern has his constructs that can deal some massive damage. Spiderman is good, but I don’t think that he has enough power or speed to keep up in this round. Green Lantern takes a solid win. Green Lantern wins.