Jiraiya vs Orochimaru

Orochimaru is one of the three legendary Sannin and he is powerful, but I would say that Jiraiya easily outranks him physically thanks to his Sage Mode. Orochimaru is incredibly durable and he has a lot of powerful ninjutsu at his side so this is definitely not an easy match by any means. I would ultimately give this match to Orocimaru because his battle agianst the 4 Tails was impressive and he has better long range abilities. Jiraiya’s sage mode doesn’t last for a very long time and Orochimaru would be able to endure it. Orochimaru wins.

Tsunade vs Jiraiya

Initially, this was an easy win for Tsunade, but Sage Mode definitely gave Jiraiya a nice boost. It may not be the real thing, but it’s still enough to amp up his strength and speed. Tsunade would have to dodge his Rasengan attacks as one or two of them could be lethal. Tsunade’s awakened form will help her match Jiraiya’s speed and I’d say that her strength is on his level as well. In the end, Tsunade’s healing abilities will prove to be the deciding edge that she needed. Tsunade wins.

Kakashi vs Jiraiya

This is definitely a challenging match because you can make a solid case for both characters. Jiraiya had the imperfect Sage Mode, which did increase his raw power, but I can’t say that it did wonders for his speed. Kakashi definitely keeps the edge in that category. Kakashi has more jutsu in his array and that’s what will be the deciding factor. Jiraiya’s Rasengan would be deadly, but I believe that Kakashi would be able to dodge it and land the Lightning blade, which would end the fight. Kakashi wins.

Jiraiya vs Pain

Jiraiya’s a tough shinobi. With his rasengan and sage mode he has defeated many strong opponents. Of course there was one ninja who was just too powerful for him. That would be Pain. Pain is the leader of the Akatsuki (chuckle) and has enough power to wipe out whole villages. He defeated Jiraiya without too much effort and does so once more. Pain gets his first win in a while and shows off his awesome power. Pain wins.

Jiraiya vs Itachi

If anyone thought that Jiraiya could take on Itachi they’re in for a rude awakening! Back in the old days they kept implying that in a 1 on 1 fight Jiraiya would actually have a chance and maybe beat Itachi. No Way! Sage Mode is a formidable jutsu, but in the end Itachi is still superior. With Susanoo Itachi could easily defeat Jiraiya in an instant. Without it he could burn Jiraiya with Amaratetsu. He could also just beat him with plain sharingan. Jiraiya loses epicly. Itachi wins.

Naruto vs Jiraiya

The student surpassing the master is a big theme in any form of media. Not surprisingly Naruto has passed Jiraiya in skill. Jiraiya just doesn’t have the same abilities that Naruto has. Naruto is in a league of his own and always has been. After all he’s the guy who’s gonna become Hokage. Naruto has his Sage Mode to compete with Jiraiya’s. Also with the 9 Tails Mode he pwns Jiraiya fast. Jiraiya wins!!!!!

Nah, Naruto wins.

Jiraiya vs Quickman

Jiraiya is plenty strong but no offense to him. He had loads of chances yet he always loses the big battles. His latest battle was pretty sad and his super form looked weak. Quickman is very fast but his durability leaves something to be desired. None of these fighters would make it far in a real fight. Jiraiya wins.

Jiraiya vs Zangetsu

This is a match that Jiraiya has. Jiraiya has the original Rasengan which while it’s possibly not as strong as Naruto’s it’s plenty strong. Plus Jiraiya has sage mode. Zangetsu has a lot of knowledge and seems to be strong but his skills don’t cut it here. Jiraiya wins.

But now Zangetsu has a super form that trumps Jiraiya’s. Zangetsu wins.