Uryu vs Buu

Suggested by Destroyer Uryu may be good at shooting arrows but he tends to come up with some pretty terrible plans so I doubt whether he could come up with a decent strategy to stop Buu. Buu will regenerate from any attack that Uryu has up his sleeve and a single hit from the pink monster would quickly take Uryu out of the fight. This Quincy has reached his limit. Buu wins.

Uryu vs Chad

Chad and Uryu are extremely closely matched. Picking a winner was not easy too say the least. Uryu has impressive speed, but Chad has his raw power. Chad can also shoot giant beams, but so can Uryu. Uryu takes this in the end thanks too the speed factor, but Chad was close. These two will always be rivals. Uryu wins.

Uryu vs Orihime

Orihime is back for another loss. Luckily for her this is her final match of the arc. She just can’t compete with all of Uryu’s high speed arrows. Not too mention his sword. Uryu is just too powerful and rises up the blog ranks with this win. One day, maybe Orihime will also rise up. Uryu wins.

Ichigo vs Uryu

The Start of the Ichigo and his pals arc! Uryu is tough and tried too prove that too Ichigo when they first faced off. Uryu will never be at Ichigo level, but that doesn’t mean he’s not tough. He can shoot arrows that fly so fast they can’t be caught! Ichigo has his sword and with one getsuga tenshou he can wipe them all out, so Uryu’s only advantage is wiped out. Uryu loses, but he’ll be back too pwn in the near future. Ichigo wins.

Uryu vs Sasuke

The 2 rivals. This match is a blowout though. Uryu can use arrows and that’s fine for him but Sasuke’s the better man. He’s faster plus he also has an arrow like thing called Chidori Current. He also has sharingan which if you’ve read my other posts you know it’s an almost assured victory. Sasuke wins.