Yamcha vs Slade

Suggested by iKnowledge Yamcha is back and now it’s time for him to teach Slade a thing or two. Slade’s a good fighter and a quick learner so he will quickly realize that he is outmatched here. Yamcha is so strong that he was even able to go up against a Saibaman. It may not have ended all that well for him, but the important thing is that he is always improving. I wouldn’t be surprised if this match ends in an instant. Yamcha wins.

Yamcha vs Ulik

Suggested by iKnowledge Ulik is a pretty powerful guy. His hits would even shatter a mountain if given the chance. However, Ulik is up against a casual planet buster in the form of Yamcha. Yamcha’s Wolf Fist is also very fast and one hit would instantly destroy Ulik. When you’re up against an opponent who is both faster and stronger than you there really aren’t a whole lot of options at your disposal. I’m afraid that Ulik will not be able to find his way out of this situation and will quickly be defeated. Yamcha wins.

Taskmaster vs Yamcha

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Suggested by iKnowledge Taskmaster is a pretty intense Marvel villain who is food at copying his opponent’s fighting styles as well as their strengths and weaknesses. He’s the kind of guy who really doesn’t go down without a fight, but that won’t help against a character like Yamcha who can literally crack planets with a punch. A single blast should take care of Taskmaster for good and no form of hand to hand combat can help to prevent that. Yamcha will finally be able to secure the victory he has been waiting for. Yamcha wins.

Bass vs Yamcha

Yamcha is a Z fighter, but that won’t be enough to stop Bass. I’m sure that you’ve heard all of this before, but Bass isn’t an opponent that just anyone can defeat! He is the strongest being in all of media and nobody’s been able to stop him yet. That’s the kind of power that the mighty Bass has at his disposal. One good Earthbreaker should end this. Bass wins.

Master Roshi vs Yamcha

Master Roshi may have been tough back in the olden days, but he won’t be able to defeat Yamcha. Yamcha’s more of a fighter and he trained pretty hard in DBZ. He surpassed Master Roshi a long time ago and wins this round pretty easily. Its definitely been a long time since he got a win. Yamcha wins.

Mr Popo vs Yamcha

Mr Popo has some pretty cool skills, but they aren’t enough to take down Yamcha. Yamcha has his Wolf Fang Fist which can shatter whole mountains. Mr Popo loses again, but maybe he won’t have to fight for a while. Yamcha takes the win and rises up the ranks. Mr Popo drops yet again. Yamcha wins.