Yoshimori vs Tokine

Yoshimori is the master of making Kekkais. His skills are superior to many other fighters and he knows it. Tokine has more skill with making cubes into weapons, but that’s not enough. She can also go through objects, but she can only go through them for so long. Also with his black aura Tokine couldn’t go through unless she wanted to risk dying. Yoshimori’s got this match in the bag. Tokine and Yoshimori are good partners, but in the end we know who the stronger member of the team is. Yoshimori wins.

Luigi vs Yoshimori

Luigi has dozens of super forms thanks to the power of The Plants and items in the Mushroom Kingdom. Thunder Luigi can shoot massive bolts of thunder. Fire Luigi can shoot giant fireballs. Rock Luigi can turn into a rock and ram things. Luigi is definitely formidable, but Yoshimori has kekkai’s and zekkai’s. Yoshimori wins.

Since than I have seen some episodes of Kekkaishi and read more volumes. Yoshimori is good but he can’t beat Super Luigi. Luigi wins.

But since then the truth has been even more apparant and Yoshimori is tougher. Yoshimori wins.

Yoshi vs Yoshimori

Yoshi’s back, but what hope does he have against the kekkai master. Yoshimori is in control of this match from the beginning. So this is another loss for the Mario Universe. Yoshimori also moves to a remarkable 3-0. No way! I guess he can beat more people than we thought. Yoshimori wins.

Ghost Rider vs Yoshimori

Now that Ghost Rider has a win everything is dandy in his world. Sadly he has to move on with his life and will have to accept the fact he might never win again. Yoshimori knows that he’s destined for great things since he got a win and this will be his second. He’s lucky that in his manga he might be getting another shounen power up. Yoshimori wins.

Blade vs Yoshimori

We already know how Blade keeps losing. Yoshimori is a normal kid who goes to school and has fun drinking coffee milk. As seen in the picture. Blade’s sword would be shattered by Yoshimori’s kekkai. Than the kekkai would beat Blade. Yoshimori’s coffee milk also powers him up. Yoshimori wins.