Sonic vs Captain Kirk

Captain Kirk has his laser gun at the ready, but I don’t think that it will be enough to take down someone as skilled as Sonic The Hedgehog! Sonic has taken down much stronger opponents in the past and he’ll continue to defeat all opponents who stand in his way. Captain Kirk never had that kind of resolve. Sonic wins.

Syaoran vs Captain Kirk

Captain Kirk is always ready to get into a fight, but he won’t be winning this round. Syaoran is a lot quicker than Kirk could ever be and he’s a smarter fighter. His abilities are on a whole different level from Kirk’s and did I mention that he’s a better character? Captain Kirk drops down the ranks with this loss, but he gave it his all. Syaoran wins.

Iori vs Captain Kirk

Captain Kirk has his phasers at the ready and one good shot would be enough to take Iori down for the count. Iori’s sword skills are far too intense for Captain Kirk in the long run. Iori’s endurance is also far greater than Captain Kirk’s. Captain Kirk just doesn’t have a chance of winning this round. Iori wins.

Captain Kirk vs Samus

Samus is a pretty powerful bounty hunter. With her powerful Zero Laser, Samus will easily defeat Captain Kirk. Kirk has his phasers, but they cant stand up against a real energy blast. Kirk is not very quick and he would be quickly defeated. Samus is a true warrior and she has defeated far stronger opponents in the past. Samus wins.

Captain Kirk vs Sasuke

Captain Kirk has his phazers, but in the end they won’t be enough. Sasuke can easily outspeed Captain Kirk and his array of jutsu should make this an easy win. Captain Kirk may try to throw a lucky punch, but Sasuke could block it with ease. Sasuke has the sharingan and he can’t be stopped. Sasuke wins.

Yusuke vs Captain Kirk

Captain Kirk is back, but it’s not for a win! He’s completely and utterly outclassed by Yusuke in this round. One Spirit Gun is enough to take Captain Kirk down for the count. Captain Kirk just doesn’t possess the level of durability that is needed to endure such an intense blast of energy. Yusuke wins.

Kenshin vs Captain Kirk

Captain James T. Kirk is the Captain of the Starship Enterprise. Normally that would mean that he’s a very powerful and smart character right? I’m afraid that you’ll have to rethink that. Captain Kirk is a decent fighter, but he is just a mere mortal and Kenshin has some really good speed on his side. Captain Kirk wouldn’t be able to survive one of Kenshin’s slashes and he couldn’t keep up with his speed. I’m afraid that it is a losing battle for Kirk. Kenshin wins.

Captain Kirk vs Bly

This is a tribute to Star Trek Into Darkness! Captain Kirk had his gun set and ready to fire, but in the end it just won’t be enough to take on someone like Bly. Bly is just too powerful and one sword slash is all he needs to end this match in an instant. Captain Kirk won’t be able to win. Bly wins.

Captain Kirk vs Speed Racer

Captain Kirk has his phasers at the ready, but will they be enough to take down Speed Racer!? Speed has his car and with it he can take down many opponents. If they try to get in his way, then things can get dicey fast! Can the Starship Enterprise beat the Mach 6!? Speed Racer wins.

Update! Kirk was accelerated in the original series and that means that he will be more than a match for Speed Racer. Not even the Mach 5 would be enough to save Speed! Captain Kirk wins.

Captain Keyes vs Captain Kirk

Captain Keyes is back and this time he’s up against Kirk! Well, these two are both pretty similar when you think about it. One blast from either of them could end this round. Still, in the end I think I’d have to go with Captain Keyes to win this round. Captain Keyes wins.

Update! Captain Kirk would be able to speedblitz Captain Keyes thanks to his super speed from the original show. In his accelerated form, Kirk would be far too fast for Keyes. Captain Kirk wins.