Diano vs Serenade

Diano makes her debut on the blog with this match and she’s definitely starting off her blog run against a top tier opponent. Most of Diano’s abilities are summarized through power scaling and the same can be said for Serenade, which makes this a tough ruling. Serenade lost to Bass and he could easily defeat Diano, while Diano lost to Dark Schneider who would outrank Serenade so that doesn’t simplify matters. Serenade was able to effortlessly block a full powered hub blast from Megaman and he had not yet been fully downloaded into the world. His blocking abilities should be enough to negate Diano’s hand to hand skills and Serenade would ultimately have the edge. His defensive abilities are simply superb. Serenade wins.

Gemini Saga vs Serenade

Gemini Saga is a pretty powerful being and can destroy all who stand in his way! Except for those that he can’t defeat of course. Serenade is one of those rare individuals who can take Gemini Saga down in a fight. Of course he did hold his own against Bass! Serenade wins.

Serenade vs Flashman

Flashman is powerful and his thunder skills may let him take down someone on the level of Kingman, but his power is nothing against Serenade’s! Serenade is one of the ultimate netnavies and his power is pretty near invincible! Taking him down is something that shouldn’t be done by the faint of heart. Serenade wins.

Serenade vs Megaman

Serenade is a pretty powerful being and has taken many down in the past. His speed is unbelieveable and his hand to hand skills are to be feared. Of course Megaman’s also fought against his share of intense enemies and can take Serenade down. Megaman has the power of Hubstyle and Bass Soul at his disposal! His speed definitely outranks Serenade’s and his power is to be feared. Megaman wins.