Green Goblin vs Carnage

Suggested by Sonic The Green Goblin is a powerful Spider-Man villain and someone who has remained iconic to this very day. Taking him out won’t be easy but Carnage is a solid counter to this guy. It’s hard to really put a dent in him and he’s fast enough to avoid the pumpkin bombs. Carnage will damage his glider straight away and from there it is curtains for the match. Green Goblin just isn’t fast enough to dodge the attacks for long. Carnage wins.

Green Goblin vs Orochimaru

Suggested by Destroyer Green Goblin is one of the most iconic Spiderman villains out there. The guy is fairly powerful and has obtained quite a few power ups over the years. You definitely don’t want to underestimate the guy. Still, he isn’t ready for Orochimaru’s fierce speed and regenerative abilities. Orochimaru will be able to overwhelm him with powerful ninjutsu at the ready. Goblin won’t be able to endure such an onslaught and will ultimately fall. Orochimaru wins.

Green Goblin vs Tengu Shredder

Suggested by Sonic Tengu Shredder is pretty tough and really gave the turtles a tough time when they did battle. However, it won’t be enough to take down this goblin. Norman has had a lot of different forms and armors over the years and they’ll give him the edge here. In his Iron Patriot armor he can blast at Tengu from afar or match him in power at close quarters. In his Ultimate form he has some mild regenerative abilities and a whole lot of super strength to back him up. In this battle of monstrous individuals I think Tengu is simply outmatched. Green Goblin wins.

Green Goblin vs Joker

Suggested by SuperDuperAwesomeGuy The Joker is a very strategic villain who knows how to defeat the opponent mentally before the fight even starts. That being said, he’ll have a very tough time against the Green Goblin since Norman is no stranger to mental battles as well. His Ultimate Goblin form will also ensure that he has the decisive edge in combat as well so Joker is really doomed here. Green Goblin wins.

Star Lord vs Green Goblin

Green Goblin has his Iron Patriot armor and it destroys Star Lord’s tech advantage. Star Lord has his gun at the ready, but it really won’t do anything against Green Goblin. Green Goblin can speedblitz Star Lord with his armor and he also has a superior degree of strength. It would appear that Star Lord is dropping to the 0-2 spot. Green Goblin wins.

Update! Star Lord got some extra power when he got a gem in a recent comic and he was even able to take Thanos down. I’m not sure if I agree with the outcome, but his extra powers definitely score him the win here. Star Lord wins.

Green Goblin vs Squid

The Squid may be a decent super villain, but he won’t be able to stop Green Goblin. Green Goblin has a high tech suit and one good energy blast can take down the Squid for good. The Squid may be a decent Spiderman villain, but Green Goblin is one of the heavy hitters. Norman Osborn is a threat in any attire! Green Goblin wins.

Green Goblin vs Galactus

Green Goblin has a lot of pumpkin bombs at the ready and he doesn’t have a big weakness. Galactus has some pretty solid attacks and he could end the planet. Green Goblin won’t be able to evade Galactus for long and he doesn’t really have any attacks that can damage him. Galactus rises up the ranks with this win. Galactus wins.

Green Goblin vs Lubba

Lubba doesn’t have a chance, but at least he never gives up when the going gets tough. Lubba is a fighter and that’s definitely not going to change! One pumpkin bomb would likely defeat Lubba and if not, Green Goblin is a better hand to hand fighter. This is just the start for Green Goblin as he will be returning very soon. Green Goblin wins.

Green Goblin vs Destoroyah


Destoroyah is a giant monster who tries to take down various opponents. With his intense strength and size, there aren’t many opponents who can keep up with him. Still, the Green Goblin has his good ole Iron Patriot armor and his physical power is pretty impressive. His speed may save him this time. Green Goblin wins.

Green Goblin vs Piccolo

Green Goblin has his glider and some pretty impressive power as well! Still, I don’t think it will be enough to take down someone as powerful as Piccolo! Piccolo has taken on guys like Frieza and Cell in the past! I’d say that he knows the score at this point. Piccolo wins.