Andy (Undead) vs Buu

Buu and Andy both have high speed regeneration to a very impressive level. They basically cannot be destroyed by conventional means as they will keep on coming back. In such a fight the edge will certainly go to the more powerful fighter though as he can just keep on smashing away at the opponent until the regeneration starts to lose its edge. Andy has good physical abilities and his blood arts are strong but Buu’s on a different level. Buu wins.

Thor vs Buu

Suggested by Jean Thor is a powerful fighter from Marvel and you could easily make the case that he is one of the strongest Marvel characters out there. He has a lot of strength and speed but this will not be enough to stop Majin Buu. Buu was able to hold his own against Goku for a time and has also gotten many extra power ups in other DBZ video games. His speed and power are just at an absolute crazy level so it’s hard to see Thor being able to match him blow for blow. Buu wins.

Ichigo vs Buu

Suggested by Destroyer Ichigo is one of the stronger characters out there. He could easily take down 99% of fighters in a 1 on 1 battle. That being said, he isn’t quite ready to take someone like Buu out for the count. Buu has the ability to wipe out an entire planet in the blink of an eye. His speed is absolutely massive and he has obtained many abilities over the years. The reason Ichigo can’t win here is simply because he is surpassed in all stats. He is quite powerful, but not powerful enough. Buu wins.

Jiren vs Buu

The final round has finally arrived! How fitting is it that the big boss of Super should rise to fight the big bad of DBZ? It cements the fact that this verse is one to be taken very seriously. They also had quite a few reps in this tourney as well. Buu’s regeneration is great, but it has been shown to not be absolute. Jiren’s attacks would still take their toll and eventually Buu would be put down for good. He is outranked in every physical category by an incredible amount. I just don’t think he can do much to counter that. Jiren wins.

Buu vs Lightning

It’s time for the first semi’s match. Both of these fighters made it pretty far but only one can reach the championship. Lightning’s got a plethora of great attack options up her sleeve, but they won’t do much against Buu. He can regenerate from just about anything and his attack power is basically off the charts as well. You just can’t do much to slow this guy down at all. I’m afraid Lightning is pretty much out of her depth here as even she can’t survive a whole galaxy being blown up. Buu wins.

Cell vs Buu

These two characters are certainly iconic DBZ villains. Their overwhelming power was stunning and the heroes really had a tough time against them. Of course this match is a no brainer if you’re just looking at the main material, but these two have gotten many power ups over the years in spinoffs and video games. Still, Cell hasn’t quite gotten a form that lets him surpass Buu yet. Buu has done a good job of keeping pace with just about everyone. Even now there aren’t too many villains who are actually stronger than him. Buu wins.

Marcus vs Buu

Marcus may be coming off a big win, but I’m afraid that it’s all over here. He doesn’t really have any way of hoping to stop Buu. Buu is way stronger than Marcus and he is also considerably faster. He has absorbed Gohan in the past which gave him a form that can barely even be comprehended. He could end the solar system many times over with a single attack. If that isn’t true power then I don’t know what is. Things aren’t looking good for Marcus. Buu wins.

Oga Tatsumi vs Buu

Oga Tatsumi has been through his share of fights and knows how to throw a good punch. You can’t count him out of any match but Buu isn’t your average opponent. Buu can regenerate from just about any hit and his raw power was enough for him to go up against Super Saiyan 3 Goku. Oga just doesn’t have that kind of firepower and he will also be out of his league when it comes to speed as well. Better luck next time Oga, but your run is over. Buu wins.

Basil (Dragon Ball) vs Buu

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Considering that this fight happened recently, it’s time to have these two duke it out on the blog. Nothing much will end up changing here though as Basil is still completely outgunned against Buu. His kicks simply aren’t strong enough to do much against Buu’s regeneration. When Buu enters his Super mode he also has access to the Kamehameha which will easily blow Basil away. There’s just not much that the fox can do against such overwhelming power. Buu wins.

Buu vs Byakuya

Suggested by Destroyer Buu is definitely a very powerful DBZ villain and not someone that you want to mess with. In his Kid Buu form he was even able to go up against Son Goku and Prince Vegeta. That’s not an easy feat for any character. Byakuya may be insanely fast, but at the end of the day he just isn’t quite on the same level. He simply won’t be able to keep up with Buu or even react to his attacks. This Majin is simply on a completely different level. Buu wins.