Naruto vs Vent

Suggested by Destroyer Vent has a lot of mega Man style abilities up his sleeve which is why he is such a dangerous foe. They have a lot of potential when used together and it’s hard to say just how strong Vent is as a result. Still, Naruto was able to survive a shot that ripped through the Moon so I don’t think Vent has anything up his sleeve that will be putting him down for the count. Naruto can also dish it out as well just as well. Naruto wins.

Giorno Giovanna vs Naruto

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Suggested by Random Giorno Giovanna has returned, but this match will be a little too much for him. His Gold Stand gives him a good amount of speed and power and this is amped up even further with Requiem. However, he still can’t match Naruto physically. His other ability is that he can reduce Naruto’s motivation and also cancel out attacks for a time, but he won’t be able to keep it up long enough to stop Naruto. Giorno just won’t be able to get around the fact that he isn’t fast enough to stop this Shinobi. Once Naruto starts landing hits it will all be over. Naruto wins.

Naruto vs Toppo

Suggested by Random Naruto is a very powerful fighter who could give some DBZ characters a run for their money once he reached his peak. However, taking on one of the strongest Dragon Ball Super characters is another matter entirely. I think it’s safe to say that Toppo is in another level and even Naruto’s planetary Rasengan may not do much more than scratch him. That’s also assuming that it hits Toppo in the first place. Toppo wins.

Naruto vs Jiren

Suggested by Random Naruto is a very powerful Shinobi. He went from a kid who couldn’t even break a large rock to having planetary level capabilities. That makes him a big threat to the average fighter but he still isn’t in the same conversation as Jiren. Jiren was able to give Goku a good run for his money and I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say that this is no small feat. Jiren has Naruto convincingly best in both speed and power and also has enough durability to take very little damage from Naruto’s attacks. I can’t see a scenario where Naruto can win this round. Jiren wins.

Atrocitus vs Naruto

The Last Naruto The Movie Clips (Brief Naruto vs Toneri Footage).mp4_snapshot_00.40_[2014.11.30_13.31.41]
Suggested by Anon Atrocitus is a very powerful Green Lantern villain and the TV show version DD a good job of showing off his power. That being said, he isn’t ready to handle someone like Naruto at the moment. Naruto has gradually been growing stronger for a very long time and the final two movies really helped to depict just how strong he has gotten. Atrocitius can’t hold Naruto with any of his constructs and he doesn’t have the speed needed to turn this into a hand to hand match. Atrocitus simply won’t be able to sky all that much in this match up which is why Naruto will take this round with ease. Naruto wins.

Naruto vs Beet

The Last Naruto The Movie Clips (Brief Naruto vs Toneri Footage).mp4_snapshot_00.40_[2014.11.30_13.31.41]
I thought Beet was extremely impressive in his series and he fought several (Mini) DBZ level opponents. His series may have ended very quickly, but at the rate his skills were going, he could have been on Goku level in no time! Alas, the series entered Limbo while Naruto continued to run strongly for quite a while. In this time, Naruto gained incredible powers and by the end of the series he would be able to take Beet down. Beet can no longer stop Naruto in speed or strength. Naruto wins.

Naruto vs Mega Man

The Last Naruto The Movie Clips (Brief Naruto vs Toneri Footage).mp4_snapshot_00.40_[2014.11.30_13.31.41]
While this may look like a blow out on paper, I would advise you not to underestimate Mega Man’s abilities. In the manga version of his games, the Blue Bomber’s speed and strength were greatly augmented. Not to the point where they can beat Naruto in his Chakra Mode or any of his final forms, but Mega Man could definitely make this a fight. Naruto’s Rasengan variations will still prove to be too much for Mega Man though and the robot probably couldn’t copy the chakra attacks as his body likely does not possess it. Naruto wins.

Coeval vs Naruto

Naruto Nine Tails Chakra Mode-animeipics
This is a tribute to Naruto The Last! Naruto has proven that he has what it takes to defend the Village Hidden in The Leaves. I don’t think Coeval would last very long if he had to put up with some of the threats that Naruto has faced. Naruto is simply the more skilled fighter and a good punch could end this fight in an instant. Coeval just wouldn’t be able to keep up! Naruto wins.

Naruto vs Buu

This is a tribute to Road to Ninja. Naruto seemed to have forgotten his character development as he lamented the loss of his parents and he couldn’t take down the villains when the going got tough. This wasn’t the Naruto that I was used to seeing so he couldn’t win this tribute. Buu would have no trouble speedblitzing Naruto all day until he won the match. A simple blast would end the planet and that would put Naruto in a pretty tough spot. Naruto can’t keep up with Buu’s speed or strength so he’s effectively doomed. Buu wins.

Naruto vs Bass

This is a tribute to the OVA where Naruto fought Konohamaru and he didn’t look quite as good here. He had a pretty good start, but the ending made him look bad. (Assuming that they told him the rules in the first place) It was bad enough for him to get matched up against Bass here and that always means certain defeat. Naruto will have to hope he rebounds in the next film to keep his tribute W/L record up. Bass wins.