Terminator vs Wiggler

Suggested by Destroyer The Terminator is a robot who is absolutely focused on the goal he is tasked with. If his mission is to take down the Wiggler then that’s exactly what is going to happen here. Wiggler is a tricky Mario enemy but if you think about it his abilities aren’t super impressive or anything like that. He is definitely outclassed in power and speed so there’s no real getting around that. Terminator can blast him from afar or overpower the enemy in close quarters combat. Terminator wins.

Anguirus vs Wiggler

Suggested by Destroyer Wiggler is a fun Mario character. He’s definitely got a fun design and even has a rage mode that augments his power to a completely new level. With that much ability you’d think that Anguirus would run into major problems here but his sheer size is still enough where he would be able to crush the Wiggler without issue. Wiggler can move around very well but ultimately can’t compensate for the difference in power. Anguirus wins.

Black Widow vs Wiggler

Suggested by Destroyer Wigglers are strong in number and when they get upset they undergo a Super Saiyan transformation as they turn red and all stats are improved. It still won’t be enough to stop the Black Widow though. She is a capable fighter who knows how to use Lightsabers, guns, and any other weapon. Wiggler won’t be getting anywhere near her and thus all of his efforts will come to naught. Black Widow wins.

Mario vs Wiggler

Wiggler is back, but he’s back to get pwned. He may be able to crawl at good speeds, but in the end he’s no match for the world’s most popular plumber. Mario has his fireballs and with them he’s burned many opponents down to size. Wiggler would just be another one of them. Mario wins.

Wigglytuff vs Wiggler

Wigglytuff has always been one of those pokemon who was in the middle. He wasn’t ultimately powerful, but he wasn’t weak either. Of course Wiggler is kind of fast and has some good defense, but in the end that won’t be enough. Wigglytuff takes the win and shows the world why he’s so powerful. Wigglytuff wins.