Jirass vs Oolong

Suggested by Destroyer Oolong has never been a very powerful character. The only transformation that he has which is worth anything is his robot mode and even then the guy ran away so quickly that we didn’t get to see what it could do. Oolong would ultimately be crushed by Jirass here and hasn’t proven that he could stand up to a true Kaiju. At least he hasn’t been able to prove that so far. Jirass wins.

Jirass vs Greenman

Suggested by Destroyer Greenman is a decent fighter but not quite at the level of Jirass. Well, calling Greenman a decent fighter may be a stretch but he did qualify for the N1 Grand Prix somehow so that has to say something. Either way the guy has no projectiles or any really good physical abilities so it’s hard to picture him doing anything to Jirass. Most likely he’ll just get stomped and that’ll be the end of that. Jirass wins.

Jirass vs Pickman

Suggested by Destroyer Pickman is one of those villains where you don’t want to get in his way. This guy can be absolutely deadly if he lands a direct hit on most opponents but I’m not confident that the pick would do any damage to Jirass. Jirass is rather large and his defenses are good enough to withstand some hits from Ultraman. While Jirass isn’t exactly a top tier Kaiju, that level of power won’t be needed against Pickman. Jirass wins.

Jirass vs Maggie Sawyer

Suggested by Destroyer Maggie Sawyer is a capable fighter who is good with a gun and even knows some basic hand to hand. That’s not really enough to take a Kaiju down though. Jirass stands tall above all mortal fighters and only needs one good hit to win this round. It’s just hard to overcome that gap without some significant power upgrades. Jirass wins.

Jirass vs Frodo

Suggested by Destroyer Frodo may be one of the chosen ones but he’s never really impressed me. The guy gets nervous at the drop of a hat and I wouldn’t exactly say he is a very good fighter either. So when you really get to the heart of the matter, the guy just doesn’t have a chance against Jirass. Jirass would easily crush him with physical blows. Frodo isn’t fast enough to escape either so there is no trick in his arsenal that can turn the tides. The fight will be a quick one. Jirass wins.

Jirass vs Bob

Suggested by Destroyer Bob won’t do any better against Jirass than against Gomess. The reason for this is that the gap in power is just a little too much. Jirass can easily overwhelm bob with pure power and just start claiming wins left and right. Bob’s best bet here would be to try and escape but even if he can outrun Jirass, that probably wouldn’t work for very long. Bob’s options here are just very limited and at the end of the day that pretty much spells game over for him. Jirass wins.

Jirass vs Wybie Lovat

Suggested by Destroyer Wybie is a nice kid but he’s not exactly a fighter. I don’t really think there is anything he could actually do to stop Jirass. Jirass is a Kaiju and so his durability exceeds that of what any normal human can hope to dish out in terms of damage. Jirass may not be very fast but it doesn’t matter since his size will allow him to cross such a distance with ease. Jirass wins.

Jirass vs Jack Sparrow

Suggested by Destroyer Jirass is a powerful Kaiju. While he may not be one of the most well known ones out there, the guy left an impression. Jack Sparrow may have immortality to a degree, it doesn’t really help here. I’ve always been of the opinion that immortality can be more of a curse than a blessing since you’ll end up getting stomped into the dirt for all eternity if you live in a realm where there’s a fighter more powerful than you. That’s just how it goes sometimes and that’s what would happen here as Jirass will stomp Jack until he stays down. Jirass wins.

Jirass vs Nemo

Suggested by Destroyer Jirass returns one last time to go up against Nemo. This could be a bit of a blowout if you think about it. Nemo isn’t really much of a fighter at all while Jirass’ whole character is about bringing down other monsters. The size difference can’t be ignored and the fact of the matter is that Nemo won’t be able to deal any damage. So when you look at it from that perspective, Nemo doesn’t stand a chance. Jirass wins.

Jirass vs Python

Suggested by Destroyer A Python is a pretty impressive snake to be sure. They can grow to be quite large so most animals absolutely do not want to mess with them. That being said, Jirass is well equipped to handle any such opponent. A single chomp or tackle would take down most opponents who get in his way. A Python is a fairly skilled animal but that just won’t be enough. Jirass can just fall on the Python and that would end this match in an instant. Jirass wins.