Pokemon Go Update

I didn’t think I’d be doing another update this quickly but the latest event happened to have two of the Pokemon I was missing so that worked out really well. I finally caught my first Diancie and as a result got Mega Diancie. I also rounded up the last Zangoose I needed and my first Mega Alakazam so now I got the Gold Mega Evolution badge! One more step to ranking up all of the badges, but I’ve still got a whiles to go on that.

Pokemon Go Update

I finally got my next Platinum badge! Yeah this feels like a pretty quick update next to the last one but that’s more coincidence than anything else. These badges happened to be close together. Now I can finally stop mega evolving whenever I have the energy stored up. In the meantime I finished powering up Lunala and Ninjask.

Next up I’m focusing on Spiritomb who is the last Sinnoh Pokemon that I haven’t maxed out. That will likely be my next Pokemon Go update although I don’t see that happening for at least a month or two.

Pokemon Go Update

I finally got my next gold badge! Purifying 500 Pokemon definitely took a while and cost a ton of stardust (Over 1 million) but it was definitely worth it to get closer to all Platinums. I need to purify another 500 so that’s going to take an extremely long time but I’ll have finished doing that at some point. In the meantime I maxed out several more Pokemon. Just one more for Sinnoh (Spiritomb) and then you can expect another Pokemon Go update coming up. Gotta keep catching them all!

Pokémon: Paldean Winds Review

Pokemon has been really good about churning out a ton of different miniseries and so this is another one to add to the completed pile. It was a pretty fun series with some action and a lot of good animation. There are only 4 episodes and the final one is more of an epilogue so it definitely goes by quickly. Each character gets their own episode so as you can imagine, the order of how good each episode is really gets determined by the character. I liked 2 out of 3 of the characters well enough though and in the end the writing here is solid so I had a good time.

The series starts with 3 Pokemon students being tasked with filming a video about the school. It’s a pretty massive project and while these 3 are all good students, it’s not like they have a ton of experience teaming up with each other. Filming a video like this is also such a vague mission, it’s hard to even know where they should start. What should they do? Well, each character has their own way of dealing with the project…which to be honest is typically to ignore everyone else and do their own thing but by the end their struggles bring them closer together!

The first episode is about Ohara and she’s cool with doing the project but at the same time it’s all just a bit overwhelming. She’s already so busy and in a way she sort of cracks. Ohara heads off to the mountains to try and cool down, she even considers just giving up on the project and running off but ultimately she makes the hard call and sticks with the team. It was a good first episode to show off the animation and get us used to the characters a bit. In that episode we’re really seeing them from her point of view and of course they don’t seem to be the most impressive. When nobody’s really engaged with a group project it becomes 100X harder.

In the second episode we focus on Aliquis who is a good sport about filming the video but it’s not really his highest priority. He really wants to defeat Nemona and prove himself as the strongest trainer in the land. So he’s really got to focus on training and getting his Pokemon to eat enough berries to get stronger. Unfortunately after enough losses he starts to get discouraged and takes out his frustrations on his Pokemon which is never okay. Along the way he starts to re-evaluate his priorities which is good.

I enjoyed this episode because we got some good action here which is always fun. I’m glad that he made up with his Pokemon quickly too because when you’ve been pals for so long it’s rough to see the trainer just lose it like that. I respect his dedication in wanting to win with the same Pokemon of course but he just needs to train more and more as a unit. For that reason I am glad that the show didn’t just reward him with an easy win all of a sudden and instead he still has to go and train the old fashioned way.

Then we have the third episode with Hohma. He’s a little discouraged because he actually loved making recordings and being creative but he’s not really sure how to approach the other two. He’s the most timid one of the group and has some real self confidence issues. He wants to find a way to really contribute but just can’t think of anything. So the episode’s really about slowly getting his confidence issues up and approaching the team. The toughest part about that is that I feel like the writers didn’t know what idea he should have. The episode easily has the weakest conclusion.

So Hohma’s big idea to save the project and make this a success is treated as an awesome idea but I just don’t see it. What was his idea? “Lets get all of the gym leaders, the Chairman, and the social media influencers to collab with us!”. Yes that would be awesome but it’s super unrealistic in such a short time frame so rather than it be the successful knockout hit that the show portrays it to be, it left me a little confused. It’s cool that it works out of course…but it was a little on the cheesy side.

There isn’t much to say about the final episode because like I noted it’s really just an epilogue. We get to see how the video turned out and then the 3 students say their goodbyes and head out. They’re back to living their own lives again. The ending is almost sad in a way because after they leave we see just how empty the school is and it’s super quiet. I was half expecting some kind of a jump scare as a result but no it just stayed very solemn.

This may not be the most bombastic series out there but I liked the tone and the characters were fun. It can always be hard to make the first move and approach someone but you won’t get anything done if you just stay in the corner. So the show had some good messages about teamwork and stepping out of the comfort zone. It’s also so short that it never drags on or anything and it’s not a big time commitment to check it out. For that reason I would definitely recommend watching it. Lets keep these Pokemon miniseries coming because they’ve been solid so far.

The animation is really sharp for the brief action scenes that we get. This isn’t a series that is super focused on action or anything like that but I’m glad that they still set aside a good budget for it whenever it was needed. That was definitely important. The soundtrack is more on the forgettable side, personally I can’t remember any of the tunes. I’ll say it’s decent enough for the scenes but that’s about all I can say for it.

Overall, Pokemon: Paldean Winds is a good series. It flies by in an instant but tells the story that it was aiming for. It also takes time to really develop each of the 3 characters which also helps for down the line in case we ever get some kind of a sequel series. I’d be down with seeing them return or at least the one who wants to be a great trainer since we can get some good battle scenes there. It’s about time we get another really action packed miniseries right?

Overall 7/10

Pokemon Concierge Review

It’s time to look at a really quick Pokemon show that came out and trust me I’m not kidding when I say that this one is really short. The whole series combined is not much longer than one normal episode. It’s a pretty interesting experiment with the stop motion although I have to admit that it’s not really my style. Me personally? I just prefer hand drawn and really fast paced animation that gets you pumped but this was still an interesting enough experiment.

The story starts off with Haru having the worst week of her life. Her boyfriend broke up with her, her shoes got ruined, and she lost her job. Fortunately she has been accepted for a job as a Concierge over at a really intense Pokemon Resort. She is determined to make this work out and arrives, prepared to a hectic first day! Instead she find that life on the island is a lot calmer and more at peace than in the big city. Here everyone believes in taking life one quarter mile at a time and just having fun. That is even Haru’s first task, to just wander around and have a good time. Unfortunately this just stresses Haru out even further because she’s not sure what she is expected to do. What can she even do about this??

The character cast here is really small too with only 4 main characters. You have Haru’s boss who seems nice enough. She wants to give Haru a real fair shot at this and also help get her out of her shell a little more. A difficult task to be sure but one that she is up for. She’s nice enough and Haru is lucky to have her. Then you have the yoga instructor who has really mastered the art of being chill. He doesn’t do a lot here but does gradually help get Haru to be at ease as well.

Then you have another employee who seems to do a bit of everything. She paints the tents and helps out with the general Pokemon operations as well. She’s a lot more confident than Haru and tries to get her on that path as well. It’s definitely good to have so many people ready to help here but at the end of the day they are all more likable than Haru. Haru’s not a bad character of course but her whole character arc is about getting braver so she can stop being so timid all the time and of course that means for most of the series she is on the back foot.

I tend to like when my leads are really confident and/or powerful. The latter doesn’t really matter in this context but her being more assertive would have been really nice. As I mentioned earlier this is a really short series all the way through so it means that Haru only has a few minutes to really be bold. So if we ever get a sequel then I’m sure she will look a lot better but in the meantime she couldn’t keep up.

Meanwhile the animation is pretty sub par. I’m sure it’s pretty good by stop motion standards but I’ve seen animation from close to 80 years ago that looked way better. It’s why the style will never win against the big guns if you ask me. As an experiment I get wanting to try out different styles but it’s why the series should switch animation techniques for any possible sequel. I think a different approach would help the series stand out more. As it stands it does have one solid song that plays for the opening and works well as an insert song in the final episode.

Ultimately though what does hurt the series a bit aside from the animation is that it’s not terribly exciting. By that I mean it can actually get a little bit boring. There’s no real stakes here and the series is aiming really young. So it’s more of a slice of life where you get to see the characters as opposed to anything deeper than that. The main problem? There aren’t many characters here like I said before. Slice of life titles with no stakes come out all the time and I happen to like a lot of them. The main problem is that this one just can’t hold its own because it needs more dynamic characters or witty dialogue to get it across to the next level.

Without that there just isn’t anything to keep you glued to the screen. We need more human characters interacting and some kind of rival or bully could have helped to spice things up a bit. Think of it like a slice of life without the slice of life elements that make it a success. I dare say I’d almost take some romance in here to shake things up. Ah well, there’s still nothing particularly bad about the series. It’s also very short so it’s not like it drags on either and as a result that’s why I would put it right in the middle. It’s not strong enough to get a positive score but it’s also certainly not weak enough to get a negative one. It ends up surviving right in the middle which isn’t a bad place to be.

Overall, Pokemon Concierge is definitely a very different kind of Pokemon special. The animation may scare a lot of people away right out of the gate but if you stick around you may have a decent time. It’s not particularly long so it’s not like you’re giving up a lot by watching it. I would say that’s probably even the best argument in favor of it. That can feel like a backhanded complement as well though. At the end of the day if you’re a massive Pokemon fan and want to watch every kind of content with it then it’s time to check this one out. Otherwise you can really just skip this one and I don’t believe that you will regret it at all.

Overall 5/10

Pokémon Stadium 2 Review

It’s time for the return of the Pokemon Stadium adventures! This is a game that really takes me back, it’s incredibly difficult on every aspect of the game. You’re going to have to fight against numerous opponents with no save points in between each gym battle collection and the individual trainers are really difficult. Some use cheesy strategies like putting you to sleep over and over again or making you miss for a while. Yeah these fights are not to be underestimated. I had doubts on if I would actually be able to defeat Lance in the end, but ultimately it ended up being a very proud accomplishment.

The game has numerous modes like the academy, minigames, vs mode, etc. Of course the main mode to get into is still the gym challenge. You have to go up against all of the gym leaders and then after beating them you get to go up against the Elite 4. A collection of fighters so powerful that you have to win 5 battles in a row with the 6 Pokemon you selected and no save points. This does get into the realm of artificial difficulty though. I don’t think it’s reasonable to have to fight that many opponents in a row without saving. I just don’t think so.

So it’s a lot of fun of course but without save states man would you be in trouble. The A.I. uses one hit KO moves, your attacks miss at times, etc. I do think it’s all RNG for the most part but I wouldn’t be shocked if there are some moments during the adventure where they quickly switch it up to make things interesting. In particular Lance is extremely infamous for being almost impossible to defeat with the rental Pokemon. It’s worth noting that in some ways the Switch version is even harder than usual because you can’t transfer your Pokemon in from the handheld games. The rentals that you have to use instead have intentionally sub optimal moves to make things trickier.

Still, after tons and tons of attempts I did finally beat Lance. Defeating him unlock all of the Kanto gym leaders and then another go at everyone which I think is super impressive. This game really had a ton of content which is super impressive. Like I said there are even other modes here like the minigames which are also pretty fun in their own right. This game easily justifies the purchase but of course with the Switch Online package there is no additional cost anyway which definitely feels good.

The graphics are really on point here as you can expect. The game improved quite a bit from the first title and the artstyle is handled well enough where this holds up even by 2023 standards. So once again I have no real issues with the technicals in the slightest. The soundtrack is good and I also really like the announcer here. He gets real shocked when you choose your Pokemon and injects a whole lot of hype and excitement into every match. You look forward to seeing what he’ll say next and it even makes you feel like the game has more of a plot than it would otherwise.

My personal recommendation is to always choose Pokemon with a really high level of speed. Moving first is absolutely ideal here and can often mean the difference between victory and defense. So most legendaries are fast and fully evolved Pokemon. I tend to like having Alakazam on my roster because his psychic attacks hit really hard but other really strong Pokemon to have at the ready include Raikou and Articuno. Machamp is also good although I wish that his elemental attacks did more damage.

You want to pick your Pokemon so that they beat the gym leader’s preferred type but once you get to the Elite Four then you just want a really balanced lineup that can account for most types. It’s not possible to get them all with just 6 Pokemon of course but do your best. The better your team, the more likely it is that you’ll at least have some counters and can survive the others. Pick your team strategically and you will definitely be okay.

Overall, Pokemon Stadium 2 is definitely a great game all around. A title that you can pick up and play as you enjoy all of the fights. The sheer difficulty level means that you won’t be breezing past it of course but you can still jump in and get a lot done. The minigames are also there of course so you can switch between modes and have fun that way. Either way there is definitely a lot of fun to be had here without a doubt. It’s a fairly simple game but one that is directly fun and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Overall 8/10

Pokemon Snap Review

Pokemon Snap is one of those games I was heavily aware of but never really got to try playing back in the day. It looked like fun but at the same time I wasn’t about to shell out the big bucks back in the day just to take pictures of Pokemon. Well now with the Switch Online I can finally give it a shot and it is a lot of fun. It’s a little on the short side but it did take me two batches to complete it so maybe 4-5 hours total. There are 7 worlds where you get to go around and catch a bunch of Pokemon although the final world only has one as a final boss fight so maybe I should really say that there are 6 worlds.

Basically Todd is hired by Professor Oak to take a lot of pictures of each Pokemon to fill up the dex and this is really a top priority mission. When taking a picture you want to get the maximum amount of points and so there are a few criteria for this. First is the size of the Pokemon, the larger it is in your picture, the more points you get. Then you get points if you got the Pokemon in a cool pose. If the Pokemon is in the center of your photo then you get a X2 bonus. Finally if you got more than one of the same Pokemon in your shot then you get even more points.

Points are extremely important here because that’s how you unlock new powers and new worlds. The other factor is how many species you have taken a picture of so even if you don’t have a great shot, make sure you snap a picture of every Pokemon. You will keep on replaying the levels in order to get better shots until you’ve unlocked the next area and even then you can go back. In fact it’s not even that you can go back but that you must. See, there will always be some Pokemon you can’t get initially until you have their power up. For example you will unlock the apples to lure Pokemon to you, the Pester Ball to wake them up, and the whistle to make them dance and use their special abilities.

You will even be able to accelerate your car later on to bump into Pokemon and cause them to turn around. Note that you can’t control the car to move in any direction or anything like that but just speeding up is handy. Of course the car is already fast at some points which makes snapping the photos tricky so you want to keep that in mind. You need to have quick reaction times at all times in order to stay ahead or you will be putting yourself in a rather tricky predicament. Just try, try again until you’ve perfected your craft.

At the end of each level you choose one of each photo of a unique Pokemon that you’ve taken to give to Oak. If it’s your first time then there’s nothing to compare it to and it will be accepted right away but if you’ve already taken a photo before it will be compared and you can keep the better photo. Sometimes a photo that you think is better will end up having a lower score due to some of the criteria I mentioned earlier. It’s all very seamless though and I have to give the game massive credit for how clear the menus are. It never feels like a hassle to hand in the photos. All of the menus are very intuitive.

There are a ton of quality of life features within the game that make this feel like a AAA title. The levels are bite sized so they go over fast and the music is very calming. The soundtrack is really quiet solid all the way through and the graphics are nice too. This is definitely one of the higher end Nintendo 64 titles in those regards. Then the replay value is also considerable because there are so many ways you can try and tackle each level. Do you focus on apples or pester balls? Learning the reactions to each Pokemon will take time and then there’s RNG involved so sometimes a Pokemon will appear and other times it won’t. You have to memorize different chains of events for some while just waiting for others.

There’s just a whole lot of content here even if the main story isn’t very long. Also the decision to make the final photo with Mew an actual boss battle was brilliant. That was a lot of fun and just really stuck out next to the catches. It was a pretty fun way to end the game. Having a proper final boss is always a great idea after all and even once I beat the game there were plenty of secrets that I did not explore.

Overall, Pokemon Snap is a game that was developed very well. I had a lot of fun with this one. I still would have hesitated to buy this game at full price without a doubt but playing it now I can really appreciate the effort into it. I’ll definitely buy the new Pokemon Snap at some point although I would definitely like to wait for a true sale because again, as long as it’s around $50 or so it’s just not tempting enough to purchase. Granted, I’m sure the new one is longer with more Pokemon so maybe I should research just how long it is. In the meantime I recommend checking this one out.

Overall 7/10

Pokemon Stadium Review

Pokemon Stadium was a huge game in my childhood. I played that game for so many hours back in the day! Well it’s good to have a proper revisit to the title and I have to say that it lives up to the hype. It’s also way more difficult than I remember though so I don’t know how I actually beat it so easily as a kid. Seriously these gym leaders and trainers are no joke and I died a considerable amount of times during this latest playthrough. Well what’s a game without a little challenge right?

There are a lot of different modes in this game as the content is truly impressive. You’ve got your classic battles of course but also quite a few minigames. The minigames are also quite a bit of fun, I definitely enjoyed playing through all of them real quick. The meat of the game is in the campaign mode though as you try to face off and defeat all of the gym leaders, their 3 trainers protecting them at every gym, and the elite four. You’re looking at close to 50 battles here and you have to win 4 battles in a row every time. If you lose at the third then you go all the way back. Without access points you would really be in a pickle I must say.

Part of what makes this tricky of course is that you have to select a team of 6 Pokemon and can’t switch after that until you beat the 4 opponents. So that’s 24 Pokemon to deal with and the trainers usually have different types than the Gym Leaders so you have to really try to bring a wide mix yourself. Type advantages are massive here as you will often oneshot your opponent if you’re super effective vs his Pokemon and the same is true of the reverse. Do you know what this means? It means you have to always strike first or it’s over. I beat all 3 Pokemon in one shot at times and my opponent did the same to me.

I would personally recommend picking 3 Pokemon who are super effective vs the gym leader and then 3 generally strong ones. Often that would mean Alakazam and two of the legendary birds on my team like Moltres and Articuno. At times I would have all 3 but it didn’t always work out. Another thing to really look at are movesets here. For example it can actually be better to pick Ivysaur than Venosaur based on the moves. It’s a little weird I know, took me some getting used to there. The downside of course is that they have lower stats so that can really be a problem as well. You definitely need to balance it a lot. Hey I still say whatever you do, make sure Alakazam is on your team, he hits like a tank!

The graphics are really good here. The character models are really high quality and it’s clear that a lot of time was put into them. The sound effects and ost are also extremely nostalgic. I remember them all so clearly after hearing them again and it’s awesome. If nothing else, play this game for the nostalgia because it’s amazing. Even if you’ve never played the game before you will be able to appreciate the heart in it.

Don’t be afraid of losing a lot as that will be natural. This game is super hard but also very satisfying to complete. There’s so much bonus content here as well and the replay value is extensive. If not for Pokemon Stadium 2 existing this is the kind of game you would basically keep on playing over and over again. It’s always impressive that Pokemon has so many great games although not surprising as it is one of the most successful franchises of all time. I should be back before too long with some Stadium 2 adventures so stay tuned!

Overall, Pokemon Stadium is definitely a game you should check out. It’s really a lot of fun and captures the Pokemon experience way better than most games. To date I wish they would make more titles in this series because it was so much fun. Yeah Battle Revolution doesn’t count because the gameplay mechanics were so bad there. I like the idea of every Pokemon level here being equalized and it’s all about the strategy of figuring out which Pokemon team to choose. Admittedly this means that RNG will always have a pretty strong hold over the matches to an extent but at least you are actually picking your own team. Bonus points for actually having minigames too as bonus content. You get a ton of bang for your buck on this one.

Overall 8/10

Pokemon the Movie: Secrets of the Jungle Review

It’s time to look at the final Pokemon movie. There have sure been a lot of them over the years and ultimately it’s been a fun series but I can see why this one didn’t hit it big. It’s not the worst Pokemon movie in the series to be sure but I feel like it’s definitely bottom 5 and I think there’s a chance it could even be bottom 3. It’s really got quite a few issues and I think it’s the final nail in the coffin for this movie AU trilogy. We need to tie these movies back into the anime again like the old days and then I think we’d really be in business.

The film starts by introducing us to the Zarude clan who rule the jungle with an iron fist. They bully all of the smaller Pokemon and show everyone just how mighty they are. They’re very proud of their physical strength. One day one of them finds a kid and decides to raise him even though it means being kicked out of the clan. This kid is named Koko and he grows up believing that he is actually a Pokemon. One day he bumps into Ash Ketchum, a Pokemon trainer from Pallet Town and the young hero shows Koko what humans are all about. Now Koko can finally get along with everyone but unfortunately there is a scientist who wants to get to the legendary Zarude tree of healing. Are his intentions noble or corrupt?

I mean it’s a scientist in a Pokemon movie so you can probably guess how that’s going to go. I guess you could say this movie is taking a lot of cues from the Tarzan movie but that’s not a super good idea in this case. The forest never tends to make for a great backdrop to the adventure because you just end up missing civilization and all of the witty banter. You’re not going to get that over in the jungle and unfortunately the movie sidelines Ash for a great part of the adventure as well. These are all very bad ideas and I just have to say that upfront.

I have several issues with the film and one of the biggest is that there’s not a lot of action here. There aren’t any traditional Pokemon battles and while we get a quick 5 second skirmish from time to time, this film is really not about the action. Instead it opts to bring in a giant robot at the end so everyone can keep on throwing their attacks at it. Really not a great way to handle the climax because that takes a lot of fun out of the whole thing. The robot is slow so it’s just tanking all of the hits and eventually landing its own counter strike. That’s not really a fight, that’s just everyone throwing attacks out. It’s extremely underwhelming as the ending.

The scientist was also a very weak villain. The fact that everyone was openly obeying him and destroying the forest was crazy. That only works if all of the characters were evil but the assistants play it off like they didn’t know any better later on. That’s an extremely weak excuse if you ask me. When you’re destroying trees and such, there is no real way to frame that as doing the right thing. Cmon now you just can’t try and pull that. It doesn’t work and the only kudos he gets is for actually bumping off the obstacles in his way. It’s rare for a Pokemon villain to be quite so driven so that was impressive but also a bad look for the two who got taken down. Why don’t they have any Pokemon to defend them or something?

In a world like this you absolutely need that kind of protection. Meanwhile Koko is an okay character. He means well and all but doesn’t have a ton of personality. He’s just a nice kid and he doesn’t really understand human language so he does the bet that he can. There’s not a whole lot to say about him and he definitely doesn’t appear to have the makings of being the next lead quite yet. If you just went by this film you could probably say the same about Ash too though which is why its good that he has so many films already. He just doesn’t look great here and should be fighting at a much higher level at this point.

The soundtrack is a mixed bag. The song for the Zarude is probably one of the worst songs in the whole Pokemon franchise. That one’s super weak and really doesn’t work but I did like the emotional theme that plays after the opening track. That one was nice to hear at least so I guess the soundtrack is a 50/50. The animation is good too. It doesn’t feel like it’s really at that theatrical level like the older films but is still smooth enough. The colors are on point and the fights probably would have looked great if we had gotten more of them. It’s still annoying how these Pokemon had a tough time breaking some armor.

The film has enough of a runtime to have done some fun things with the story which is why it’s a shame that nothing really happened. It feels like the film ends up dragging a bit because there isn’t much of a central focus. No villains to stop or collectibles to find for 90% of the movie. That means you just have Ash and Koko hanging out but with no stakes or any real plot. Of course you can tell where the plot is going since the scientist isn’t subtle but you spend too much time waiting. At least Team Rocket shows up and gets to contribute here.

Okay so this is sounding like a 4 star movie so why is it positive? Well all of these things are particularly negative because you instinctively compare them to the other Pokemon titles. While the film may not be all that exciting, at least it does have a little action. It gets enough of the fundamentals right where you can still say you had a fun enough time here. Additionally it doesn’t make any significant mistakes that would drop it down a few stars. So it survives on playing it safe and works well enough on the first watch but is why it won’t have much replay value.

Overall, Pokemon is still a good movie when you look at it in a vacuum. It just doesn’t live up to the solid reputation of the other Pokemon movies. It loses the head to head to almost every other film in the franchise which is really bad because there are so many of them. There’s very little replay value to be had here and so the Pokemon movies really need to take a step back and really look at what worked back in the day. Lets give Ash some more fight scenes, get a cool final boss in there, and even add a little danger. I want to see something like the Destiny Deoxys film where the heroes had to fight in the battle tower. Those fights are the reason why we watch Pokemon!

Overall 6/10